Wednesday, May 17, 2017

HW Mr. Padilla 5.17.17

Homework; Dear parents/guardians, please assist your child with today’s homework.

Option 3: 
The Boer War raged in South Africa from 1899 to 1902. It pitted British against South
Africans of Dutch descent (the Boers). The following account describes one tragic
episode in this war. From October 12, 1899, to May 17, 1900, the Boer forces laid siege
to the British-held town of Mafeking. The long siege caused mass starvation among the
villagers. It was not pleasant to mix among the people of the kraals.  Hunger had them in its grip,
and many of them were black spectres and living skeletons. I saw them crawling along on
legs like the stems of well-blackened ‘cutties’, with their ribs literally breaking through
their shrivelled skin—men, women, and children.  
Task Instructions : There are several similarities between The Hunger Games and The Boer War.

Your job is to identify as many similarities as you can. 
Write a paragraph explaining what is similar between the two.
Then write one paragraph explaining what are some key differences.

Option 2:
The Boer War raged in South Africa from 1899 to 1902. It pitted British against South
Africans of Dutch descent (the Boers). ... From October 12, 1899, to May 17, 1900, the Boer forces laid siege to the British-held town of Mafeking. The long siege caused mass starvation among the
villagers. It was not pleasant to mix among the people of the kraals.  Hunger had them in its grip,
and many of them were black spectres and living skeletons. I saw them crawling along on
legs … with their ribs literally breaking through their … skin—men, women, and children. 

1.            During what years was the war fought?
2.            Who fought?
3.            When was the siege of Mafeking town?
4.            What did the siege cause?
5 .             How bad was the hunger?
6.            Who were many of the villagers?

Option 1:
The Boer War raged (went on) in South Africa from 1899 to 1902. .. British against South Africans of Dutch descent (the Boers). ...
1.     During what years was the war fought?

2.     Who fought?

 From October 12, 1899, to May 17, 1900, the Boer forces laid siege (did not let any one in or out) to the British… town of Mafeking.
3.     When was the siege of Mafeking town?

The long siege caused mass starvation among the villagers. It was not pleasant…Hunger had them (people) in its grip (hopeless)…
4.     What did the siege cause?

...and many of them (villagers) were black …  and living skeletons. I saw them crawling along onlegs …—men, women, and children. 

5.     Who were many of the villagers? 

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HW Mr. Padilla 6.26.18

Dear parents/guardians, It was a pleasure working with your child this academic school year 2017-18.    For those of you not attending s...