Monday, December 7, 2015

HW Mr. Padilla 12-7-15

Parents, please assist your child with today’s homework. Choose one reading option and answer the question (s).

Collections Reading:
·         The Battle of Shiloh, April 1862 --John S. Jackman
1.       Why did John Jackman not join in the fighting?
2.       Based on what we learned in class, what war is Jackman fighting in?

3.       What does the civil war have to do with To Kill a Mockingbird?
April 5th, 1862 --This morning, I felt completely broken down. I felt so bad, I thought I would go no further. That evening, there was some artillery firing towards Shiloh. Again had fever that night.
April 6th--This day will long be remembered. Soon after the sun had risen, the firing of artillery became so general, … I knew the battle had commenced. I wished to be on the field, but was not able to walk so far. Soon we met ambulances and wagons loaded with wounded, and I could hear the poor fellows groaning …. over the rough road. We were now in proximity of the fighting, and we met crowds of men.., wounded in the legs or about the body. … I happened to see one of our company lying by a tent wounded. I went out to see him…There were…lying  about . Dr. P told me to stay with him, that I was not able to go on the field— that I would be captured. There was no one to help him, and I turned surgeon…

**           The Battle of Shiloh, April 1862 --John S. Jackman\

Why did John Jackman not join in the fighting?
Based on what we learned in class, what war is Jackman fighting in?
April 5th, 1862--This morning, I felt completely broken down. I felt so bad, I thought I would go no further. That evening, there was some artillery firing towards Shiloh. Again had fever that night.
April 6th--This day will long be remembered. Soon after the sun had risen, the firing of artillery became so general, … I knew the battle had commenced. I wished to be on the field, but was not able to walk so far. Soon we met ambulances and wagons loaded with wounded… I happened to see one of our company lying by a tent wounded. I went out to see him…There were…lying  about . Dr. P told me to stay with him, that I was not able to go on the field— that I would be captured. There was no one to help him, and I turned surgeon…

***        The Battle of Shiloh, April 1862 --John S. Jackman
READING FOCUS:  Why did John Jackman not join in the fighting?  
April 5th, 1862
This morning, I felt completely broken down. I felt so bad, I thought I would go no further. That evening, there was some artillery firing towards Shiloh. Again had fever that night.
April 6th
This day will long be remembered. Soon after the sun had risen, the firing … became so general, … I knew the battle had commenced. I wished to be on the field, but was not able to walk so far. Soon we met ambulances and wagons loaded with wounded… I happened to see one of our company lying by a tent wounded. I went out to see him… . Dr. P told me to stay with him, that I was not able to go on the field— that I would be captured. There was no one to help him, and I turned surgeon…

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HW Mr. Padilla 6.26.18

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