Wednesday, December 2, 2015

HW Mr. Padilla 12-2-15


According to neighborhood legend, when the younger Radley boy was in his teens he … with some of the Cunninghams …formed the nearest thing to a gang ever seen in Maycomb. They did little, but enough…they hung around the barbershop; they rode the bus to Abbottsville on Sundays and went to the picture show; they attended dances at the county’s riverside …they experimented with…whiskey. Nobody in Maycomb had nerve enough to tell Mr. Radley that his boy was in with the wrong crowd.

One night… the boys backed around the square .. resisted arrest by Maycomb’s ancient beadle, Mr. Conner, and locked him in the courthouse outhouse. The town decided something had to be done; Mr. Conner said he knew who each and every one of them was…so the boys came before the …judge on charges of disorderly conduct, disturbing the peace, assault.. and using abusive and profane language… The judge decided to send the boys to the state industrial school… it was no prison and it was no disgrace. Mr. Radley thought it was. If the judge released Arthur, Mr. Radley would see to it that Arthur gave no further trouble. Knowing that Mr. Radley’s word was his bond, the judge was glad to do so.

According to neighborhood legend, when the younger Radley boy was in his teens he … with some of the Cunninghams …formed the nearest thing to a gang ever seen in Maycomb. They did little, but enough…they hung around the barbershop; they rode the bus to Abbottsville on Sundays and went to the picture show; they attended dances at the county’s riverside …they experimented with…whiskey. Nobody in Maycomb had nerve enough to tell Mr. Radley that his boy was in with the wrong crowd.

One night… the boys backed around the square .. resisted arrest … The judge decided to send the boys to the state industrial school… it was no prison and it was no disgrace. Mr. Radley thought it was. If the judge released Arthur, Mr. Radley would see to it that Arthur gave no further trouble. Knowing that Mr. Radley’s word was his bond, the judge was glad to do so.

According to …legend, when the younger Radley boy was in his teens he … with some of the Cunninghams …formed the nearest thing to a gang ever seen in Maycomb. They did little, but enough…they hung around the barbershop; they rode the bus … on Sundays and went to the picture show; they attended dances at the county’s riverside …they experimented with…whiskey. Nobody in Maycomb had nerve enough to tell Mr. Radley that his boy was in with the wrong crowd.

One night… the boys backed around the square .. resisted arrest … The judge decided to send the boys to the state industrial school… If the judge released Arthur, Mr. Radley would see to it that Arthur gave no further trouble. Knowing that Mr. Radley’s word was his bond, the judge was glad to do so.

Parents/guardian, please review and assist your child with today’s homework.  Read one of the modified passages and choose one option task to complete. 
Option 1: Summarize the passage about Arthur “Boo”  Radley.  Use the five W’s to help organize your response.

Option 2: Base your answers on the reading. Use evidence from the text.
a.     What did Arthur, the “Radley boy” do when he was in his teens?
b.     Why didn’t anyone tell his father?
c.      Why did the judge release Arthur?

Option 3:
Make a prediction.  What do you think Mr. Bradley will do with Arthur?
What makes you think so?  Give an example from the text.

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HW Mr. Padilla 6.26.18

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