Friday, January 6, 2017

HW Mr. Padilla 1.6.17

Homework: Parents/guardians, please assist your child with today’s homework.

Option 3: Base responses on what you know about the historical context and the reading.

"Faster!" I had no strength left. The journey had just begun and I already felt so weak...
"Faster! Faster! Move, you lazy good-for-nothings!" the Hungarian police were screaming.
That was when I began to hate them, and my hatred remains our only link today. They were our first oppressors. They were the first faces of hell and death.
They ordered us to run. We began to run. Who would have thought that we were so strong? From behind their windows... our fellow citizens watched as we passed.

1.      Where are Eliezer and his family being taken to?
2.      What is the historical context of this reading passage?
3.      How did Eliezer feel about the Hungarian police then? Have his feelings changed?
4.      What is an oppressor?
5.      Other than the police, who else is oppressing them?

Option 2: Base responses on the reading.

"Faster!" I had no strength left. The journey had just begun and I already felt so weak...
"Faster! Faster! Move, you lazy good-for-nothings!" the Hungarian police were screaming.
That was when I began to hate them, and my hatred remains our only link today. They were our first oppressors. They were the first faces of hell and death.
They ordered us to run. We began to run. Who would have thought that we were so strong? …
1.        How did Eliezer feel?
2.        What was the police screaming?
3.        What did Eliezer feel toward the Hungarian police?
4.        How does he feel about them today?
5.        What does Eliezer call them?

Option 1: Base responses on the reading.

"Faster!" I had no strength left. The journey had just begun and I already felt so weak...
1.    How did Eliezer feel?

"Faster! Faster! Move, you lazy good-for-nothings!" the Hungarian police were screaming.
2.    What was the police screaming?
That was when I began to hate them, and my hatred remains our only link today.
3.    What did Eliezer feel toward the Hungarian police?
4.    How does he feel about them today?
 They were the first faces of hell and death…Who would have thought that we were so strong? …
5.    What does Eliezer call them?

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HW Mr. Padilla 6.26.18

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