Wednesday, January 11, 2017

HW Mr. Padilla 1.11.17

Homework: Parent/guardians. Please assist your child with today’s homework.

Option 3:
ALL THE SKILLED WORKERS had already been sent to other camps. Only about a hundred of us, simple laborers, were left…
At ten o'clock, we were handed our daily ration of bread. A dozen or so SS surrounded us. At the gate, the sign proclaimed that work meant freedom. We were counted. And there we were, in the countryside, on a sunny road…
We were walking slowly. The guards were in no hurry. We were glad of it. As we were passing through some of the villages, many Germans watched us, showing no surprise. No doubt they had seen quite a few of these processions...
1.      How were the workers organized?
2.      How much foo did they get?
3.      What did the sign say? Do you agree with the sign? Why?
4.      How were things moving along? Why were the Jews glad?
5.      How did the Germans react when they saw the Jews? Why?
Option 2:
ALL THE SKILLED WORKERS had already been sent to other camps. Only about a hundred of us, simple laborers, were left…
At ten o'clock, we were handed our daily ration of bread. A dozen or so SS surrounded us. At the gate, the sign proclaimed that work meant freedom. We were counted. And there we were, in the countryside, on a sunny road…
We were walking slowly. The guards were in no hurry. We were glad of it. As we were passing through some of the villages, many Germans watched us, showing no surprise. ..
1.        Where were the skilled workers?
2.        Who was left?
3.        What were the Jews handed?
4.        What did the sign say?
5.        Where were the Jews, and what were they doing?
6.        What happened as they passed through the villages?.
Option 1:
 ALL THE SKILLED WORKERS had already been sent to other camps. Only about a hundred of us, simple laborers, were left…
1.    Where were the skilled workers?
2.    Who was left?
At ten o'clock, we were handed our daily ration (share) of bread. …At the gate, the sign proclaimed (announced) that work meant freedom.
3.    What were the Jews handed?
4.    What did the sign say?
We were counted. And there we were, in the countryside, on a sunny road…
We were walking slowly. The guards were in no hurry. We were glad of it. As we were passing through some of the villages, many Germans watched us, showing no surprise. ..
5.    Where were the Jews, and what were they doing?
6.    What happened as they passed through the villages?

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HW Mr. Padilla 6.26.18

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