Wednesday, January 18, 2017

HW Mr. Padilla 1.18.17

Dear parents/guardians, please assist your child with today’s homework.

Collections: Propaganda: We are learning about propaganda and how it is used to spread ideas. We will soon begin learning about Fake News, and how fake news makes it difficult for people to know what is true and what is false.

Option 3:
Propaganda is a form of communication to distribute information. It is always biased. The information is designed to make people feel a certain way or to believe a certain thing. The information is often political. It is hard to tell whether the information is true or false. Very often, the information is confusing and unfair. Propaganda does tend to make disputes last longer, and be more difficult to resolve. The word 'propaganda' comes from Latin. At first, it meant 'ideas to be spread around'

1.         What is propaganda?
2.         Can the information in propaganda be trusted? Why or why not?
3.         What makes propaganda confusing?
4.         Where does the word propaganda come from?

Option 2:
Propaganda is a form of communication to distribute information. …. The information is often political. It is hard to tell whether the information is true or false. Very often, the information is confusing and unfair. Propaganda … tends to make disputes (arguments, disagreements) last longer, and be more difficult to resolve. The word 'propaganda' comes from Latin. At first, it meant 'ideas to be spread around'
1.        What is propaganda?
2.        Can the information in propaganda be trusted? Why or why not?
3.        What makes propaganda confusing?
4.        Where does the word propaganda come from?

Option 3:
Propaganda is a form of communication to distribute (share, spread) information. …. The information is often political.
1.    What is propaganda?

 It is hard to tell whether the information is true or false. Very often, the information is confusing and unfair.
2.    Why is it hard to tell if information is true or false?
 Propaganda … makes disputes (arguments, disagreements) last longer… The word 'propaganda' comes from Latin. At first, it meant 'ideas to be spread around'
3.    Where does the word propaganda come from?

4.    What did it mean at first? 

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HW Mr. Padilla 6.26.18

Dear parents/guardians, It was a pleasure working with your child this academic school year 2017-18.    For those of you not attending s...