Monday, January 23, 2017

HW Mr. Padilla 1.23.17

Homework: Parents/guardians, please assist your child with today’s homework.

Option 3:
"I have in my possession a secret map, made in Germany by Hitler’ …” FDR told the nation in … Oct. 27, 1941.
"It is a map of South America as Hitler proposes (plan) to reorganize it … “ said Roosevelt. "This map makes clear the Nazi design (plan) not only against South America but against the United States as well."
"It is a plan to abolish all existing religions – … In the place of the churches …there is to be set up an international Nazi Church…
"In the place of the Bible, the words of ‘Mein Kampf’…. And in place of the cross of Christ will be put … – the swastika. … A god of blood and iron will take the place of the God of love and mercy."
Who really came up with these …secret Nazi plans? They were forgeries (faked plans) by British agents in New York … whose assignment (job) was to do whatever necessary to bring the U.S. into Britain’s war.
Task: According to this article:
1.         What was the fake news?
2.         What would have happened if Hitler had gotten his way?
3.         Who told this lie?
4.         Why was this lie told?
Bonus Challenge question: How can you find out if this article is true or false?

Option 2:
"I have … a secret map, made in Germany by Hitler’ …” FDR told the nation in … Oct. 27, 1941
"It is a map of South America…“ said Roosevelt. "This map makes clear the Nazi design (plan) … against the United States …."
Who really came up with these …secret … plans?
They were forgeries (faked plans) by British agents in New York … whose assignment (job) was to do whatever necessary to bring the U.S. into Britain’s war.
1.         What did Franklin D Roosevelt tell the nation in October 27th 1941?
2.         What was the map?
3.         What did the map make clear?
4.         Who came up with these secret plans? Were the plans real?
5.         What was the British agents’ job?

Option 1:
"I have … a secret map, made in Germany by Hitler’ …” Franklin D Roosevelt told the nation in … Oct. 27, 1941
1.     What did Franklin D Roosevelt tell the nation in October 27th 1941?
"It is a map of South America…“ said Roosevelt. "This map makes clear the Nazi design (plan) … against the United States …."
2.     What was the map?
3.     What did the map make clear?
(But) Who really came up with these …secret … plans?
They were forgeries (faked plans) by British agents …
4.     Who came up with these secret plans? Were the plans real?
(British agents’) assignment (job) was to do whatever necessary to bring the U.S. into Britain’s war.
5.     What was the British agents’ job?

Paren’t signature________________________________________

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HW Mr. Padilla 6.26.18

Dear parents/guardians, It was a pleasure working with your child this academic school year 2017-18.    For those of you not attending s...