Tuesday, January 10, 2017

HW Mr. Padilla 1/10/17

Dear parents/guardians, please assist your child with today's homework.

Eliezer describes when the people of Sighet, Hungary were leaving town.

Option 3
There they went, defeated, their bundles, their lives in tow, having left behind their homes, their childhood.
They passed me by, like beaten dogs, with never a glance in my direction. They must have envied me.
The procession disappeared around the corner. A few steps more and they were beyond the ghetto walls.
The street resembled fairgrounds deserted in haste. There was a little of everything: suitcases, briefcases, bags, knives, dishes, banknotes, papers, faded portraits. All the things one planned to take along and finally left behind. They had ceased to matter.

Task: “There was a little of everything: suitcases, briefcases, bags, knives, dishes, banknotes, papers, faded portraits. All the things one planned to take along and finally left behind. They had ceased to matter.”
Based on what we learned and discussed in class, what do you think the quote above means?
1st Step: Paraphrase (summarize in your own words)
2nd step: Explain the meaning of what you summarized.
Why do you think all the things people valued suddenly ceased to matter?

Option 2
There they went, defeated, their bundles, their lives in tow, having left behind their homes, their childhood.
They passed me by, like beaten dogs, with never a glance in my direction. ..The procession disappeared around the corner. A few steps more and they were beyond the ghetto walls.
The streets were deserted … There was a little of everything: suitcases, briefcases, bags, knives, dishes, banknotes, papers, faded portraits on the ground.. All the things one planned to take along and finally left behind. They had ceased to matter.

1.Pretend you were in a situation in which you have to pack your most valuable possessions in one suitcase. What valuables would you bring and why?
2. Now pretend that your life were at risk, would you hold on to your valuables then? Why or why not?
3. Why do you think that the people of Sighet left their things behind?

Option 1:
They passed me by, one  after  the other, my teachers… they went, defeated… having left behind their homes, their childhood.
1.       What did people leave behind?
They passed me by, like beaten dogs…The procession (a long slow walk) disappeared around the corner. A few steps more and they were beyond the ghetto walls.
2.       How does Eliezer describe the people?
3.       Where did the people disappear to?
The streets were deserted… There was a little of everything: suitcases, briefcases, bags, knives, dishes, banknotes, papers, faded portraits on the ground. All the things one planned to take along and finally left behind. …
4.       What was left on the ground in the streets?  

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HW Mr. Padilla 6.26.18

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