Tuesday, July 5, 2016

HW Mr. Padilla 7.5.16

Parents and Guardians, please assist your child with today’s homework:

Option 1:
Very little is known about William Shakespeare's childhood. He was born in the English city of Stratford-upon-Avon about 100 miles northwest of London in 1564. William's father was a successful leather merchant… He was the third of six children including two older sisters and three younger brothers. Growing up in Stratford-upon-Avon William lived in a house with his big family on Henley Street. He went to the local grammar school where he learned about poetry, history, Greek, and Latin.

After William and Anne had the twins, there are no records of the next several years of his life. Historians often refer to these years as the "lost years." There are lots…stories about what William was doing during this time.

William was part of an acting company called Lord Chamberlain's Men. An acting company in England at this time worked together to put on plays. … Young boys typically played women's roles as women were not allowed to act.

Shakespeare wrote plays for the Lord Chamberlain's Men. He worked as an actor as well. His plays became very popular in London …. Some of Shakespeare's early plays include The Taming of the Shrew, Richard III, Romeo and Juliet, and A Midsummer Night's Dream.

Mention 2 things that are known about Shakespeare’s early life?
What are the lost years? 
What was Shakespeare’s job with the Lord Chamberlain’s men?
What are some of his early plays?

Option 2:
Very little is known about William Shakespeare's childhood. He was born in the English city of Stratford-upon-Avon ...London in 1564. William's father was a …. merchant… Growing up … William lived in a house with his big family on Henley Street. He went to the local ... school where he learned about poetry, history....

... there are no records of the next ... years of his life. Historians often refer to these years as the "lost years." There are lots…stories about what William was doing during this time.

William was part of an acting company called Lord Chamberlain's Men. An acting company in England at this time worked together to put on plays. … Young boys typically played women's roles as women were not allowed to act.
Shakespeare wrote plays…worked as an actor as well. His plays became very popular in London …

Mention 2 things that are known about Shakespeare’s early life?

What are the lost years? 

What was Shakespeare’s job with the Lord Chamberlain’s men?

Option 3: Identify the meaning of each vocabulary word and term learned today.

William Shakespeare
Romeo and Juliet 
Straford upon-Avon


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HW Mr. Padilla 6.26.18

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