Tuesday, July 26, 2016

HW Mr. Padilla 7.26.16

Homework: Parents/guardians, please assist your child with todays homework.

Read the passage and answer questions below based on what you read and already know about Romeo and Juliet.

Option 1:
Kids these days. They don't respect their parents, they have no morals, and they just run around thinking about romantic relationships, fighting, playing and gossiping.
Sound familiar?
Sure. It also sounded familiar in the 16th century, when Romeo and Juliet was written. Romeo and Juliet's youthful passion conflicts with the values of their feuding parents and their more mature advisors. But who's right? Should Romeo and Juliet have just gone along with their parents, who seemed about ready to put the old feud to rest? Or does it take youthful rebellion to shake things up? And who's most to blame for the tragedy: the kids or the grownups?

Questions About Youth
What values do the young characters emphasize (show) in the play?
What do young and old characters disagree about? Over what? What do different generations disagree about today?
Is Romeo and Juliet's tragedy the fault of the old people or the young people? The values of the old or the values of the young?

Option 2:
Kids these days. They don't respect their parents, they have no morals, and they just run around thinking about romantic relationships, fighting, playing and gossiping.
Sound familiar?
Sure. It also sounded familiar in the 16th century, when Romeo and Juliet was written. Romeo and Juliet's youthful passion conflicts with the values of their feuding parents ….

Do you agree that young people disagree with their parents and older people today? Explain why or why not.
Do you believe young people today are similar to young people from the past? Explain how they might be similar or different.

Option 3:
Kids these days. They don't respect their parents, they have no morals, and they just run around thinking about romantic relationships, fighting, playing and gossiping.
Sound familiar?

Do you agree that kids today do not respect their parents? Is this true for all kids? Why or why not?
What are some things kids do today?
How do the characters in Romeo and Juliet behave? Are they different to you?

Parent signature_________________________________________

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HW Mr. Padilla 6.26.18

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