Thursday, May 5, 2016

HW Mr. Padilla 5.5.16

Homework: Parents/guardians. Please assist your child with today’s homework.

Option 1
Even though trespassing in the woods is illegal and poaching carries the severest of penalties, more people would risk it if they had weapons. But most are not bold enough to venture out with just a knife. My bow is a rarity, crafted by my father along with a few others that I keep well hidden in the woods, carefully wrapped in waterproof covers. My father could have made good money selling them, but if the officials found out he would have been publicly executed for inciting a rebellion. Most of the Peacekeepers turn a blind eye to the few of us who hunt because they’re as hungry for fresh meat as anybody is. In fact, they’re among our best customers. But the idea that
someone might be arming the Seam would never have been allowed

Based on what you have learned so far in The Hunger Games:

A.      Why is trespassing the woods illegal?
B.      Why does Katniss have to hunt for food?
C.      Why do you think the peacemakers don’t’ stop her?

Option 2
Even though trespassing in the woods is illegal … more people would risk it if they had weapons. But most are not bold enough to venture out with just a knife. My bow is a rarity… carefully wrapped in waterproof covers. My father could have made good money selling them, but if the officials found out he would have been publicly executed for inciting a rebellion. Most of the Peacekeepers turn a blind eye to the few of us who hunt because they’re as hungry for fresh meat as anybody is. In fact, they’re among our best customers. But the idea that someone might be arming the Seam would never have been allowed.

A.      Why are not more people trespassing the woods?
B.      What makes Katniss’ bow unique or special?
C.      What does turning a blind eye mean?
D.     Why do the Peacemakers turn a blind eye?

Option 3:
Even though trespassing in the woods is illegal … more people would risk it if they had weapons. But most are not bold … My bow is a rarity… carefully wrapped in waterproof covers. My father could have made good money selling them, but if the officials found out he would have been publicly executed…Most of the Peacekeepers turn a blind eye to the few of us who hunt because they’re as hungry for fresh meat as anybody is. In fact, they’re among our best customers. …

A.      Why is it more people do not trespass the woods?
B.      How could Katniss’ father have made more money? Why didn’t he?
C.      Why do the Peacemakers turn a blind eye?

Parent signature_____________________________________________

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HW Mr. Padilla 6.26.18

Dear parents/guardians, It was a pleasure working with your child this academic school year 2017-18.    For those of you not attending s...