Monday, May 23, 2016

HW Mr. Padilla 5.25.16

Dear parents/guardians, please assist your child with today's homework.

Option 1:
Everything that lives in an ecosystem interacts with each other, even humans.  Every plant and every creature is important.


1.     Why is every plant and every creature important?




They are probably tracker jackers.  They are larger than regular wasps and have a solid gold body.  Most people can’t handle more than a few stings. Some die at once.


2.     Describe a tracker jacker.




3.     What makes a tracker jacker dangerous?




The careers have come back to kill me.  I am helpless as the first hunter comes through the trees, ready to kill me.  It’s Peeta.  “Run!” he screams. “Run!”


4.      How does Peeta save Katniss’ life?
Option 2:
Everything that lives in an ecosystem interacts with each other, even humans.  Every plant and every creature is important.


1.     Why is every plant and every creature important?




The careers have come back to kill me.  I am helpless as the first hunter comes through the trees, ready to kill me.  It’s Peeta.  “Run!” he screams. “Run!”


2.      How does Peeta save Katniss’ life?

Option 3:
Everything that lives in an ecosystem interacts with each other, even humans.  Every plant and every creature is important.


1.     Why is every plant and every creature important?




They are probably tracker jackers.  They are larger than regular wasps and have a solid gold body.  Most people can’t handle more than a few stings. Some die at once.


2.     Describe a tracker jacker.





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HW Mr. Padilla 6.26.18

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