Wednesday, May 11, 2016

HW Mr. Padilla 5.11.16

Homework: Parents/Guardians, please assist your child with today’s homework.

Food for thought: Thanksgiving holiday is one of the most widely celebrated in the USA.  In fact, it is estimated 46 million turkeys are consumed on Thanksgiving day. This means that before the holiday, turkeys are prepped so they may be nice, fat, juicy and taste delicious.  The turkeys surely have no idea why they are fed so much as the holiday approaches, they just eat, eat, gobble, and eat.  Afterwards, well, you know how that turkey ends up…
Option 1
The supper comes in courses. A thick carrot soup, green salad, lamb chops and mashed potatoes, cheese and fruit, a chocolate cake. Throughout the meal, Effie Trinket keeps reminding us to save space because there’s more to come. But I’m stuffing myself because I’ve never had food like this, so good and so much, and because probably the best thing I can do between now and the Games is put on a few pounds. “At least, you two have decent manners,” says Effie as we’re finishing the main course. “The pair last year ate everything with their hands like a couple of savages. It completely upset my digestion.” The pair last year were two kids from the Seam who’d never, not one day of their lives, had enough to eat. And when they did have food, table manners were surely the last thing on their minds.
You just read about Peeta and Katniss getting ready for the games. Write a paragraph in which you compare their situation to that of turkeys before the holidays.   Be creative, be funny, be detailed.

Option 2
The supper comes in courses. A thick carrot soup, green salad, lamb chops and mashed potatoes, cheese and fruit, a chocolate cake. Throughout the meal, Effie Trinket keeps reminding us to save space … But I’m stuffing myself because I’ve never had food like this… and because probably the best thing I can do between now and the Games is put on a few pounds. “At least, you two have decent manners,” says Effie as we’re finishing the main course. “The pair last year ate everything with their hands like a couple of savages…”  The pair last year were two kids from the Seam who’d never, not one day of their lives, had enough to eat. And when they did have food, table manners were surely the last thing on their minds.

Task What is the difference between Katniss & Peeta and the “pair last year”?

Why are Peeta and Katniss being treated?

            How is this similar to what happens to turkeys before thanks giving?

Option 3  
… A thick carrot soup, green salad, lamb chops and mashed potatoes, cheese and fruit, a chocolate cake. Throughout the meal, Effie Trinket keeps reminding us to save space … But I’m stuffing myself because I’ve never had food like this… and because…the best thing I can do between now and the Games is put on a few pounds. “At least, you two have decent manners,” says Effie …. “The pair last year ate everything with their hands like a couple of savages…”  The pair last year were two kids from the Seam who’d … not one day of their lives, had enough to eat. And when they did have food, table manners were … the last thing on their minds.

What foods are Peeta and Katniss eating and why are they stuffing themselves?

What does Effie say is different between them (Peeta and Katniss) and the “pair form last year”?

Why do YOU think they are being fed so much? (there is no wrong answer, just explain your response).  Clue, think Turkeys.

Parent Signature___________________________________________

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HW Mr. Padilla 6.26.18

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