Tuesday, May 31, 2016

HW Mr. Padilla 6.1.16

Dear parents/guardians, please assist your child with today's homework. 

Read the following passage by Christopher and choose a HW task below.

“I think people believe in heaven because they don't like the idea of dying, because they want to carry on living and they don't like the idea that other people will move into their house and put their things into the rubbish” (61.6).

Option 1: In your own words, what is Christopher saying.  Do you agree with what he is saying? Why or Why not?

Option 2: We are all  entitled to our opinions but does this mean that we can say  anything we want whenever we feel like it? When we have a strong belief about something, does that gives us the right to get on someone’s face with our views?

Option 3: Do you think it is sensitive for someone to express their opinion on a topic without knowing how other people feel about this topic? What can happen when a person starts talking without knowing what others think? Can there be conflict? Explain

HW Mr. PAdilla 5.31.16


Parents/please assist your child with today’s homework.

Mark Haddon (author of Curious Incident of the dog in the Nighttime) speaks about aspergers and his book.

Option 1
* curious incident is not a book about asperger’s. it’s a novel whose central character describes himself as ‘a mathematician with some behavioural difficulties’… if anything it’s a novel about difference, about being an outsider, about seeing the world

labels say nothing about a person. they say only how the rest of us categorise that person. good literature is always about peeling labels off. and treating real people with dignity is always about peeling the labels off. a diagnosis may lead to practical help. but genuinely understanding another human being involves talking and listening to them and finding out what makes them an individual, not what makes them part of a group.

Take a guess: Why do you think the author does not use capitalized letters at the beginning of each sentence?

What does he say about the main character?

What is the novel about?

What are labels?

According to him, are labels a good thing? How do you know?

What does it take to understand someone else?

Option 2:

** curious incident is not a book about asperger’s. it’s a novel whose…character describes himself as ‘a mathematician with some behavioural difficulties’… iit’s a novel about difference, about being an outsider, about seeing the world
labels say nothing about a person. they say only how the rest of us categorise that person. … a diagnosis may lead to practical help but… understanding another human being involves talking and listening to them and finding out what makes them an individual, not what makes them part of a group.

Take a guess: Why do you think the author does not use capitalized letters at the beginning of each sentence?

What is the novel about?

What are labels?

According to him, are labels a good thing? How do you know?

What does it take to understand someone else?

Option 3:

*** curious incident is not a book about asperger’s. … it’s a novel about difference, about being an outsider, about seeing the world
labels say nothing about a person. they say only how the rest of us categorise that person… understanding another human being involves talking and listening to them and finding out what makes them an individual, not what makes them part of a group.

Take a guess: Why do you think the author does not use capitalized letters at the beginning of each sentence?

What is the novel about?

What are labels?

According to him, are labels a good thing? How do you know?

What does understanding another person involve? 

Parent signature___________________________________

Thursday, May 26, 2016

HW Mr. Padilla 5.27.16


Parents/guardians, please assist your child with today's homework: 
Read the passages and answer the questions using your own words.

The Cornucopia is a giant horn shaped cone, spilling over with things that will give us life.  Food, water, weapons, medicine, fire starters. 

1.    Why do you think that some tributes would go straight to the Cornucopia?

A boy from District 9 reaches the pack at the same time I do.  He coughs, splattering my face with blood.  He falls to the ground.  That’s when I see the knife in his back.

2.    Why does the boy from District 9 cough blood?

It’s late afternoon when I begin to hear the cannons.  Each shot represents a dead tribute.  The fighting must have finally stopped at the Cornucopia

3.     What do the cannons represent?

Option 2:  Read the passages and answer the questions using your own words.

The Cornucopia is a giant horn shaped cone, spilling over with things that will give us life.  Food, water, weapons, medicine, fire starters. 

1.    Why do you think that some tributes would go straight to the Cornucopia?

A boy from District 9 reaches the pack at the same time I do.  He coughs, splattering my face with blood.  He falls to the ground.  That’s when I see the knife in his back.

2.    Why does the boy from District 9 cough blood?

 Option 3: Read the passages and answer the questions using your own words.

The Cornucopia is a giant horn shaped cone, spilling over with things that will give us life.  Food, water, weapons, medicine, fire starters. 

1.    Why do you think that some tributes would go straight to the Cornucopia?

2. Describe the cornucopia. 

Parent signature________________________

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

HW Mr. Padilla 2-26-16

Parents/guardians, please assist your child with today's homework.

Option 1:
žDo you believe that the world would be a better place if everyone would just conform? What would be good or bad about a world like this? Explain why?

žUse examples from the book  to make your answer stronger. 
Option # 2 Do you think wearing uniforms is good for society or bad? Give some examples of why it is important to wear uniforms. Give some examples of how wearing uniforms is a bad thing.

Option 3: How does Montag conform at the beginning of the novel. How does he change? When did he begin to change? Is he happier when he conforms or once he stopped conforming? 

Parent Signature________________________________

Monday, May 23, 2016

HW Mr. Padilla 5.25.16

Dear parents/guardians, please assist your child with today's homework.

Option 1:
Everything that lives in an ecosystem interacts with each other, even humans.  Every plant and every creature is important.


1.     Why is every plant and every creature important?




They are probably tracker jackers.  They are larger than regular wasps and have a solid gold body.  Most people can’t handle more than a few stings. Some die at once.


2.     Describe a tracker jacker.




3.     What makes a tracker jacker dangerous?




The careers have come back to kill me.  I am helpless as the first hunter comes through the trees, ready to kill me.  It’s Peeta.  “Run!” he screams. “Run!”


4.      How does Peeta save Katniss’ life?
Option 2:
Everything that lives in an ecosystem interacts with each other, even humans.  Every plant and every creature is important.


1.     Why is every plant and every creature important?




The careers have come back to kill me.  I am helpless as the first hunter comes through the trees, ready to kill me.  It’s Peeta.  “Run!” he screams. “Run!”


2.      How does Peeta save Katniss’ life?

Option 3:
Everything that lives in an ecosystem interacts with each other, even humans.  Every plant and every creature is important.


1.     Why is every plant and every creature important?




They are probably tracker jackers.  They are larger than regular wasps and have a solid gold body.  Most people can’t handle more than a few stings. Some die at once.


2.     Describe a tracker jacker.





HW. Mr. Padilla 5.24.16

 Homework:  Dear Parents/guardians, please assist your child with today's homework.  

Option 1:


No one from District 12 would think of teaming up with the Career wolf pack.  Career tributes are overly vicious, arrogant and better fed.


1.     Describe Career tributes.


Above the campfire a hovercraft shows up.  Slowly, the dead tribute girl is lifted into the hovercraft.  Then it vanishes.


2.     What is the purpose of the hovercraft?


My urine is dark brown, my head hurts and there’s a dry patch on my tongue.  Fatigue is beginning to settle on me and I know I’m in trouble.


3.      Why is Katniss in trouble?


Option 2:


No one from District 12 would think of teaming up with the Career wolf pack.  Career tributes are overly vicious, arrogant and better fed.


1.         Why do you think they are called Career Wolf packs?





Above the campfire a hovercraft shows up.  Slowly, the dead tribute girl is lifted into the hovercraft.  Then it vanishes.


2.         What is a hover craft?


What does the word vanish mean?



Option 3:


No one from District 12 would think of teaming up with the Career wolf pack.  Career tributes are overly vicious, arrogant and better fed.


1.         Describe the career wolf packs:  


Above the campfire a hovercraft shows up.  Slowly, the dead tribute girl is lifted into the hovercraft.  Then it vanishes.


2.         What do you think the word vanishes mean? Write one sentence using the word “vanishes”.



Parent signature______________________________________________________

HW Mr. Padilla 5.23.16

Homework: Parents/guardians, please assist your child with today’s homework.


Option 1:


Respond to the questions using your own words hint: paraphrase.


The heat is horrible, but worse than the heat is the smoke.  I run, choking, because I know I am supposed to run.


1.     Why is Katniss choking?



This fire was made by the Gamemakers.  This fire is designed to flush us out, to drive us together. 


2.     How did the fire start?



3.     What was the purpose of the fire?



Option 2:

Respond to the questions using your own words hint: paraphrase.


The heat is horrible, but worse than the heat is the smoke.  I run, choking, because I know I am supposed to run.


1.      Why is Katniss choking?





This fire was made by the Gamemakers.  This fire is designed to flush us out, to drive us together. 


2.      How did the fire start?



3.      What was the purpose of the fire?



Option 3: 

The heat is horrible, but worse than the heat is the smoke.  I run, choking, because I know I am supposed to run.


1.      Why is Katniss choking?



This fire was made by the Gamemakers.  This fire is designed to flush us out, to drive us together. 


2.      How did the fire start?



4.     What was the purpose of the fire?


Parent Signature____________________________

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

HW Mr. Padilla 5.20.16


Dear parents/guardians, please assist your child with today’s homework.

Option 1: Compare the beginning of the novel The Hunger Games to the beginning of the film. How are they similar or different? Write one paragraph.
Option 2: We learned about what it means to conform. We also discussed the word uniform closely. Explain the meaning of these words. How do they relate to the novel Hunger Games? Discuss how the characters of the Hunger Games conform or not to the rules of the Capital.  
Option 3: Draw images that show what these words mean: conform, non-conformist and uniform. Base drawings on what you saw and learned in class today.

Parent Signature_______________________

HW Mr. Padilla 5.19.16

Dear parents/guardians, please assist your child with today’s homework.

Option 1: Katniss lives in a future world. Does she spend a lot of time using technology? In one paragraph, discuss  how today technology is making people lazy. How can people enjoy technology but still keep their minds sharp and busy.  
Option 2: Write a list of 10 reasons why technology is good or bad for people.  5 of each.  What examples of technology do we see in the Hunger Games?
Option 3:  Draw 3 technologies that are good for people and 3 that are bad. Use the graph below:
Good Technology
Bad Technology

HW Mr. Padilla 5.18.17


Dear parents/guardians, please assist your child with today’s homework.

Topic: Like all science fiction, futuristic technology is present in The Hunger Games. Some technologies are very beneficial to humans, while others maybe have been hurtful. 

Option 1: Do you believe that technology or beneficial or hurtful for society, or do we need a balance? Explain your opinion in one paragraph.

Option 2:
: Mention 2 technologies that you feel has changed the world in a good way and bad way. Explain in full sentences.

Option 3:
Draw 2 technologies, show how each one is both good and bad for people. Use ideas from today’s reading.

Parent Siganture______________________________________________

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

HW Mr. Padilla 5.17.16


Dear parents/guardians, please assist your child with today homework.

Option 1:

(Peeta has just declared that he loves Katniss on a live interview):

For a moment, the cameras hold on Peeta’s downcast eyes as what he says sinks in. Then I can see my face, mouth half open in a mix of surprise and protest, magnified on every screen as I realize, Me! He means me! I press my lips together and stare at the floor, hoping this will conceal the emotions starting to boil up inside of me.

 “Oh, that is a piece of bad luck,” says Caesar, and there’s a real edge of pain in his voice. The crowd is murmuring in agreement, a few have even given agonized cries.

“It’s not good,” agrees Peeta.

“Well, I don’t think any of us can blame you. It’d be hard not to fall for that young lady,”says Caesar. “She didn’t know?”

Peeta shakes his head. “Not until now.”

I allow my eyes to flicker up to the screen long enough to see that the blush on my cheeks is unmistakable.

“ Wouldn’t you love to pull her back out here and get a response?” Caesar asks the audience. … “Sadly, rules are rules, and Katniss Everdeen’s time has been spent. Well, best of luck to you, Peeta Mellark, and I think I speak for all of Panem when I say our hearts go with yours.” The roar of the crowd is deafening. Peeta has absolutely wiped the rest of us off the map with his declaration of love for me. When the audience finally settles down, he chokes out a quiet “Thank you” and returns to his seat.

We stand for the anthem. I have to raise my head out of the required respect and cannot avoid seeing that every screen is now dominated by a shot of Peeta and me…


What is Katniss’ first reaction when Peeta confesses his feelings on t.v.?

How does she feel about this attention? Give evidence form the text.

In your own words, what does Katniss mean when she says: “Peeta has absolutely wiped the rest of us off the map with his declaration of love for me.”

Option 2:

(Peeta has just declared that he loves Katniss on a live interview):

… I can see my face, mouth half open in a mix of surprise and protest… Me! He means me! I press my lips together and stare at the floor, hoping this will conceal the emotions starting to boil up inside of me.

 “Oh, that is a piece of bad luck,” says Caesar, and there’s a real edge of pain in his voice. The crowd is murmuring in agreement,...

“It’s not good,” agrees Peeta.

“Well, I don’t think any of us can blame you. It’d be hard not to fall for that young lady,” says Caesar. “She didn’t know?”

Peeta shakes his head. “Not until now.”

… the blush on my cheeks is unmistakable.

“ Wouldn’t you love to pull her back out here and get a response?” Caesar asks the audience. … “Sadly, rules are rules, and Katniss Everdeen’s time has been spent. Well, best of luck to you, Peeta Mellark, and I think I speak for all of Panem when I say our hearts go with yours.” The roar of the crowd is deafening. Peeta has absolutely wiped the rest of us off the map with his declaration of love for me. ….

We stand for the anthem. I have to raise my head out of the required respect and cannot avoid seeing that every screen is now dominated by a shot of Peeta and me…

How does Katniss react when Peeta makes his declaration of love?

Do you think Katniss is happy or not? Explain why?

Why do you think Caesar say: “Well, best of luck to you, Peeta Mellark, and I think I speak for all of Panem when I say our hearts go with yours.”

Option 3:

(Peeta has just declared that he loves Katniss on a live interview):

… I can see my face, mouth half open in a mix of surprise and protest… Me! He means me! I press my lips together and stare at the floor, hoping this will  hide the emotions starting to boil up inside of me.

 “Oh, that is a piece of bad luck,” says Caesar… The crowd is murmuring in agreement,...

“It’s not good,” agrees Peeta.

“Well, I don’t think any of us can blame you. It’d be hard not to fall for that young lady,” says Caesar. “She didn’t know?”

Peeta shakes his head. “Not until now.”

… the blush on my cheeks is unmistakable.

“ Wouldn’t you love to pull her back out here and get a response?” Caesar asks the audience. … “Sadly, rules are rules… Well, best of luck to you, Peeta Mellark, … I speak for all of Panem when I say our hearts go with yours.” The roar of the crowd is deafening. Peeta has absolutely wiped the rest of us off the map with his declaration of love for me. ….

We stand for the anthem. I have to raise my head out of the required respect… every screen is now dominated by a shot of Peeta and me…


How does Katniss react when Peeta makes his statement?

Why do you think Ceaser says this is bad luck?

Do you think Katniss is happy or mad that Peeta has declared his love for Katniss?

Parent Signature________________________

Monday, May 16, 2016

HW Mr, Padilla 5.16.16

Dear parents/guardians, please assist your child with today's homework.  
1.Option 1: What do these 2 words mean? Write 2 sentences for each of the following words: Distraction; immense, 
2.Today we learned about the theme of distractions in the novel The Hunger Games. Write a paragraph in which you mention some of the things that distract you. What things do you think are more important? What can you do to become more focused?
3.Today we learned about the theme of distractions in the novel The Hunger Games. Draw a picture in which you warn people about distractions. Include things that you consider distracting.

Friday, May 13, 2016

HW Mr. Padilla 5.13.16

Homework: parents/guardians, please assist your child with today's homework. 
1.Option 1: write a sentence for each of the following words: Contemporary; Plot; Climax; affect
2.Option 2: today we learned of the differences between The Hunger Games movie and the book. Name 3 ways that the book and  film are different.
3. Option 3: today we learned of the differences between The Hunger Games movie and the book.  Draw 3 images that show how the movie and book are different.

HW Mr. Padilla 6.26.18

Dear parents/guardians, It was a pleasure working with your child this academic school year 2017-18.    For those of you not attending s...