Monday, February 22, 2016

HW Mr. Padilla 2.24.16


Parents, please assist your child with today’s homework:

*Characteristics Of The Injuries To Persons
Injuries to persons resulting from the atomic explosions were of the following types:
A. Burns, from
1. Flash radiation of heat
2. Fires started by the explosions.
B. … injuries from collapse of buildings, flying debris, etc.
C. Direct effects of the high blast pressure…
D. Radiation injuries, from…emission of gamma rays
It is impossible to assign exact percentages …the types of injury, because so many victims were injured by more than one effect of the explosions….Col. Warren…stated it is probable that 7 per cent or less of the deaths resulted… from radiation disease.
The greatest single factor ….was the distance of the person concerned from the center of explosion.

Task: Base responses on today’s reading, the Collection’s reading and discussion:

In one paragraph, explain how it would be difficult to know how many people died because of the bomb.  Give evidence from reading materials and class discussion. Use one quote from the text and explain it.

**Characteristics Of The Injuries To Persons
Injuries to persons resulting from the atomic explosions were of the following types:
A. Burns from
1. Flash radiation…
2. Fires started by the explosions.
B. … injuries from collapse of buildings….
C. …effects of the high blast pressure…
D. Radiation injuries, from…emission of gamma rays
It is impossible to assign exact percentages …because so many victims were injured by more than one effect of the explosions….Col. Warren…stated it is probable that 7 per cent or less of the deaths resulted… from radiation disease.
The greatest single factor ….was the distance of the person concerned from the center of explosion.

Task: Pretend you are a television broadcaster.  You are going to inform America of why it is so hard to know how many people died.  Write a short paragraph explaining what you learned to people who do not know what you are talking about.  Use evidence.

*** Characteristics Of The Injuries To Persons
Injuries to persons …from the atomic explosions were of the following types:
A. Burns from
1. Flash radiation…
2. Fires started by the explosions.
B. … injuries from collapse of buildings….
C. …effects of the high blast pressure…
D. Radiation injuries…
… so many victims were injured by more than one effect of the explosions….Col. Warren…stated it is probable that 7 per cent or less of the deaths resulted… from radiation disease.
The greatest … factor ….was the distance of the person…. from the center of explosion.

Task: Base responses on today’s reading and your previous knowledge.

What is the purpose of this reading passage? In other words, what information is being shared?

Mention some ways how people got hurt because of the bomb?

What was the greatest factor that caused injuries?

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