Thursday, February 4, 2016

HW Mr. Padilla 2-5-16

Homework: Parents/guardians, please assist your child with today’s homework.

Topic: How is technology (man-made things) both good and bad?

* After an alarm, Father Kleinsorge always went out and scanned the sky, …he stepped outside, he was glad to see only the single weather plane that flew over Hiroshima each day about this time. Satisfied that nothing would happen, he went in and breakfasted with the other Fathers … After the terrible flash—which, Father Kleinsorge later realized…something he had read as a boy about a large meteor colliding with the earth…: A bomb has fallen directly on us. Then, for a few seconds or minutes, he went out of his mind.
Father Kleinsorge never knew how he got out of the house. The next thing he was conscious of were that he was wandering around in the mission’s vegetable garden in his underwear, bleeding slightly from small cuts …; … all the buildings round about had fallen down except the Jesuits’ mission house…

** After an alarm, Father Kleinsorge always went out and scanned the sky… when he stepped outside, he was glad to see only the single weather plane that flew over Hiroshima….Satisfied that nothing would happen, he went in and breakfasted with the other Fathers …

After the terrible flash—…Father Kliensorge realized something he had read as a boy about a large meteor colliding with the earth…: A bomb has fallen directly on us. Then, for a few seconds or minutes, he went out of his mind.
Father Kleinsorge never knew how he got out of the house. The next thing he was conscious of were that he was wandering around in the mission’s vegetable garden in his underwear, bleeding slightly from small cuts …, all the buildings round about had fallen down except the Jesuits’ mission house…

** After an alarm, Father Kleinsorge always went out and scanned the sky… when he stepped outside, he was glad to see only the single weather plane that flew over Hiroshima….Satisfied that nothing would happen, he went in and breakfasted with the other Fathers …

After the terrible flash—…Father Kliensorge realized something he had read as a boy about a large meteor colliding with the earth…: A bomb has fallen directly on us. Then, for a few seconds or minutes, he went out of his mind.
Father Kleinsorge never knew how he got out of the house. The next thing he was conscious of were that he was wandering around in the mission’s vegetable garden in his underwear, bleeding slightly from small cuts …, all the buildings round about had fallen down except the Jesuits’ mission house…

*** After an alarm, Father Kleinsorge always went out and scanned (a quick look)  the sky… he was glad to see only the single weather plane that flew over Hiroshima….Satisfied that nothing would happen, he … breakfasted (had breakfast) with the other Fathers …

After the terrible flash*—…Father Kliensorge….he went out of his mind.

Father Kleinsorge never knew how he got out of the house. The next thing…he was wandering (walking) around in the ….vegetable garden in his underwear, bleeding slightly from small cuts …, all the buildings round about had fallen down except the… mission house…

Option 1: Base response  on what we discussed in class and today’s reading:
How is technology both a good thing and a bad thing?  Give examples of technologies that are both good and bad. Explain why these technologies are good and bad. Compare it to the A bomb. Use an example from the book to make your point stronger.

Option 2: Base response on today’s reading.
Summarize the paragraph about Father Kliensorge in a few sentences, 2-3 max.
Paraphrase (meaning, use your own words). To help you, pretend you are telling a story to a 10 year old. 

Option 3:  Base response on today’s reading.
What did Father Kleinsorge always do after an alarm?

 Describe what happened to him after the terrible flash (the dropping of the A-bomb).


Bonus Question: Name one technology (invention, like a cell phone,car, etc) that is good for people and one that is bad. Why do you think this technology is good or bad? 

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