Thursday, February 11, 2016

HW Mr. Padilla 2.12.16

Homework: Parent/guardian please assist your child with today’s homework.

Topic: Is it ethical (correct) to sacrifice (let die) a few to save many?

* “But there are many people dying on the riverbank over there.”
“The first duty,” the doctor said, “is to take care of the slightly wounded.”
“Why—when there are many who are heavily wounded on the riverbank?”
The doctor moved to another patient. “In an emergency like this,” he said, …“the first task is to help as many as possible—to save as many lives as possible. There is no hope for the heavily wounded. They will die. We can’t bother with them.”

** But there are many people dying on the riverbank over there.”
“The first duty,” the doctor said, “is to take care of the slightly wounded.”
“Why—when there are many who are heavily wounded …?”
The doctor moved to another patient. “In an emergency like this,” he said, …“the first task is to help as many as possible—to save as many lives as possible. There is no hope for the heavily wounded…. We can’t bother with them.”

*** But there are many people dying on the riverbank over there.”
“The first duty,” the doctor said, “is to take care of the slightly wounded.”
“Why—there are many who are heavily wounded …?”
The doctor moved to another patient. “In an emergency like this,” he said, …“the first task is to help as many as possible—…. There is no hope for the heavily wounded…. We can’t bother with them.”

Option 1: Pretend you are telling a 10 year old what you learned today. How would you explain what ethics is? What examples would you use?

Option 2: Your job is to draw a poster for a movie called: Is it ethical to sacrifice a few to save many? What would you draw in your poster? You can draw or just say what you would draw.

Option 3: Base response on reading.
What was happening by the riverbank?
What did the doctor say was the first duty?
Do you agree with what the doctor said? Explain why or why not? 

Parent signature______________________________

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