Tuesday, February 9, 2016

HW Mr. Padilla 2.10.16

Homework:  Parents/guardians, please assist your child with today’s homework.

Topic: Was it necessary to drop the bomb on Japan?

*Immediately after the explosion,… Mr.Tanimoto, … attached himself …to an old lady who was walking along in a daze, holding her head with her left hand, supporting a small boy of three or four on her back …and crying, “I’m hurt! I’m hurt! I’m hurt!” Mr. Tanimoto transferred the child to his own back and led the woman by the hand down the street….He took the woman to a grammar school not far away …At the school, he was much surprised to see glass all over the floor and fifty or sixty injured people already waiting to be treated.

**Immediately after the explosion,… Mr.Tanimoto, … attached himself …to an old lady who was walking along in a daze...supporting a small boy of three or four on her back …and crying, “I’m hurt! I’m hurt! I’m hurt!” Mr. Tanimoto transferred the child to his own back and led the woman by the hand….He took the woman to a grammar school not far away …At the school, he was much surprised to see glass all over the floor and fifty or sixty injured people already waiting to be treated.

***…after the explosion,… Mr.Tanimoto, … attached himself …to an old lady who was walking along in a daze...supporting a small boy … on her back …and crying, “I’m hurt! I’m hurt! I’m hurt!” Mr. Tanimoto transferred the child to his own back and led the woman by the hand….He took the woman to a … school…At the school, he was …. surprised to see glass all over the floor and fifty or sixty injured people ….waiting to be treated.

Option 1:  Base on what we discussed in class and the reading:

What were the initial moments after the dropping of the bomb like? How would you describe the scene after the explosion?   Do you believe that the Americans were justified in dropping the bomb? Explain why or why not?

Option 2:  Write 2 sentences for each of the following words.
Attach(ed); daze; transfer(red).

Option 3: You are a newspaper writer.  Write one sentence describing what happened. Include a one word title for your sentence. Create a drawing that will get people’s attention.

Option 4: Base responses on the reading passage.
What did Mr. Tanimoto do after the explosion?
How did Mr. Tanimoto helpd the old lady?
Where did he take the old lady and what did he see there? 
Take a guess, what do you think may happen next?

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HW Mr. Padilla 6.26.18

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