Sunday, September 27, 2015

HW Mr. Padilla Social Studies- 9/29/15

"Arnold," she said one day after school, "I hate this little town. It's so small, too small. Everything about it is small. The people here have small ideas. Small dreams. They all want to marry each other and live here forever."
"What do you want to do?" I asked.
"I want to leave as soon as I can. I think I was born with a suitcase."
Yeah, she talked like that. All big and goofy and dramatic. I wanted to make fun of her, but she was just so earnest. (15.87-15.90)

Penelope is beautiful and blonde and white, and her home is the rich little town of Reardan. She doesn't see Reardan as a place of hope, like Arnold does. Instead, she sees Reardan in much the same way that Arnold views the reservation. Penelope believes that, in order to realize her very big dreams she must leave her home in Reardan.

1.    In your own words, what does Penelope tell Arnold one day after school?
2.    You have heard the saying that the grass is always greener on the other side.  A. What do you think this saying means?
What does the saying about the grass being green have to do with Penelope and Arnold?

3.    Why do you think Penelope wants to leave Reardon?

"Arnold," she said one day after school, "I hate this little town. It's so small, too small. Everything about it is small. The people here have small ideas. Small dreams. They all want to marry each other and live here forever."
"What do you want to do?" I asked.
"I want to leave as soon as I can. I think I was born with a suitcase."
Yeah, she talked like that. All big and goofy and dramatic. I wanted to make fun of her, but she was just so earnest. (15.87-15.90)
Penelope is beautiful and blonde and white, and her home is the rich little town of Reardan. She doesn't see Reardan as a place of hope, like Arnold does
1.    How does Penelope describe her town of Reardon?
2.    What does she say about the people in the town?
3.    Why do you think she wants to leave?
4.    Do you think Junior and Penelope have similar dreams or different? Explain

"Arnold," she said one day after school, "I hate this little town. It's so small, too small. Everything about it is small. The people here have small ideas. Small dreams. They all want to marry each other and live here forever."
"What do you want to do?" I asked.
"I want to leave as soon as I can. I think I was born with a suitcase."
Yeah, she talked like that. All big and goofy and dramatic. I wanted to make fun of her…. (15.87-15.90)
Penelope is beautiful and blonde and white, and her home is the rich little town of Reardan.
1.    How does Penelope describe her town of Reardon?
2.    What does she say about the people in the town?
3.    Why do you think she wants to leave?

4.    Why do you thin Junior wants to make fun of her? 

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HW Mr. Padilla 6.26.18

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