Wednesday, September 16, 2015

HW Mr. Padilla Social Studies- 9-16-15

Dear Parent/Guardians, 

Please assist your child with today's HW. Your child must chose 1 option below. Feel free to read passage together and discuss questions together. You may contact me with questions at: 

Estimados padres/tutores, 

Por favor ayude a su nino co la tarea de hoy. Su nino debe escoger una opcion. Usted puede leer con su hijo y discutir la preguna. Tambien hay un opcion en espanol. Si tiene alguna pregunta envie un mensaje:

Option A. We decide to order room service, to have the food delivered to our room, and guess what they had on the menu? Indian fry bread! Yep. For five dollars, you could get fry bread. Crazy! So I ordered up two pieces. I didn't think it would be any good, especially not as good as grandma's. But let me tell you. It was great. Almost as good as grandma's. And they had the fry bread on this fancy plate and so I ate it with this fancy fork and knife. And I just kept imagining there was some Flathead Indian grandma in the kitchen, just making fry bread for all the room service people. (13.1)

Mary describes her experience eating fry bread at a restaurant in an email to Arnold. Why is it significant that Mary can still get fry bread even though she's not on the Spokane Reservation?

Option B. We decide to order room service… and guess what they had on the menu? Indian fry bread! Yep. For five dollars, you could get fry bread. Crazy! So I ordered up two pieces. I didn't think it would be any good… But let me tell you. It was great. Almost as good as grandma's. And they had the fry bread on this fancy plate and so I ate it with this fancy fork and knife. And I just kept imagining there was some Flathead Indian grandma in the kitchen, just making fry bread for all the room service people. (13.1)

Mary describes her experience eating fry bread at a restaurant in an email to Arnold. Why is it important to her that she can still get fry bread even though she's not on the Spokane Reservation?

Option C..  We decide to order room service… and guess what they had on the menu? Indian fry bread! Yep. For five dollars… So I ordered up two pieces. I didn't think it would be any good… But let me tell you. It was great. Almost as good as grandma's. And they had the fry bread on this fancy plate and so I ate it with this fancy fork and knife. And I just kept imagining … some Flathead Indian grandma in the kitchen, just making fry bread for all the room service people. (13.1)

Mary describes her experience eating fry bread at a restaurant in an email to Arnold. Why is it important to her that she can still get fry bread even though she's not on the Spokane Reservation?

Espanol:. Decidimos pedir servicio de habitaciones, para tener la comida servida a nuestra habitación, y sadivina lo que tenían en el menú? Pan frito indio! . Por cinco dólares, usted podría conseguir pan frito. Locura! Así que pedí dos piezas. Yo no creo que sea nada bueno, sobre todo, no tan bueno como el de abuela. Pero déjame decirte, fue grandioso. Casi tan bueno como el de abuela. Y tenían el pan frito en este plato de lujo y me lo comi con este tenedor de lujo y un cuchillo. Y yo seguí imaginando que  hubia alguna abuela india en la cocina haciendo pan frito para toda la gente en el hotel (13.1)

María describe su experiencia ominedo pan frito en un restaurante en un correo electrónico a Arnold. ¿Por qué es importante que María todavía puede obtener freír el pan a pesar de que ella no está en la reserva de Spokane?

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HW Mr. Padilla 6.26.18

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