Wednesday, September 16, 2015

HW Mr. Padilla Social Studies - 9-18-15

Dear Parent/Guardians, 

Please assist your child with today's HW. Your child must chose 1 option below. Feel free to read passage together and discuss questions together. You may contact me with questions at: 

Estimados padres/tutores, 

Por favor ayude a su nino co la tarea de hoy. Su nino debe escoger una opcion. Usted puede leer con su hijo y discutir la preguna. Tambien hay un opcion en espanol. Si tiene alguna pregunta envie un mensaje:

A. The Spokane Tribe holds their annual powwow celebration over the Labor Day weekend. This was the 127th annual one, and there would be singing, war dancing, gambling, storytelling, laughter, fry bread, hamburgers, hot dogs, arts and crafts, and plenty of alcoholic brawling.
I wanted no part of it.
Oh, the dancing and singing are great. Beautiful, in fact, but I'm afraid of all the Indians who aren't dancers and singers. Those rhythmless, talentless, tuneless Indians are most likely going to get drunk and beat the shit out of any available losers.
And I'm always the most available loser. (3.26-3.29)

While the powwow sounds like total fun to us, Arnold wants nothing to do with it. Why? Because he wouldn't be included in the celebration. As the resident outcast, he would become the powwow punching bag. Why does he feel like such an outcast? What, then, does the powwow mean to Arnold?

B. The Spokane Tribe holds their annual powwow celebration over the Labor Day weekend. .. and there would be singing, war dancing, gambling, storytelling, laughter, fry bread, hamburgers, hot dogs, arts and crafts, and plenty of alcoholic brawling.
I wanted no part of it.
Oh, the dancing and singing are great. Beautiful, in fact, but I'm afraid of all the Indians who aren't dancers and singers. Those … Indians are most likely going to get drunk and beat the shit out of any available losers.
And I'm always the most available loser. (3.26-3.29)

While the powwow sounds like total fun to us, Arnold wants nothing to do with it. Why? Because he wouldn't be included in the celebration. As the resident outcast, he would become the powwow punching bag. Why does he feel like such an outcast? What, then, does the powwow mean to Arnold?

C.  The Spokane Tribe holds their annual powwow celebration over …the weekend. .. and there would be singing, war dancing, gambling, storytelling, laughter, fry bread, hamburgers, hot dogs, arts and crafts, and plenty of alcoholic brawling.
I wanted no part of it.
Oh, the dancing and singing are great. Beautiful, in fact, but I'm afraid of all the Indians who aren't dancers and singers. Those … Indians are … going to get drunk and beat the shit out of any …losers.
And I'm always the most available loser. (3.26-3.29)

As the resident outcast, he would become the powwow punching bag. Why does he feel like such an outcast? 


La tribu de Spokane tiene su celebración anual powwow el fin de semana del Día del Trabajo. Este fue el 127 y  habría canto, baile  de guerra, juegos de azar, la narración, la risa, pan frito, hamburguesas, perros calientes, artes y artesanías, y un montón de peleas alcohólica.

Yo no quería saber nada de él.

Oh, el baile y el canto son grandiosos. Algo bonito, de hecho, pero le tengo miedo a todos los indios que no son bailarines y cantantes. Aquellos sin ritmo, sin talento, indios discordantes que más probable van a emborracharse y golpear a los perdedores disponibles.

Y yo siempre soy el perdedor más disponible. (3,26-3,29)

Mientras que el powwow nos suena divertido  a nosotros, Arnold no quiere tener nada que ver con eso. ¿Por qué? Debido a que no se incluiría en la celebración. Como un marginado residente, se convertiría en el saco de golpe powwow. Entonces, ¿qué quiere dsignifica el powwow para Arnold?

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HW Mr. Padilla 6.26.18

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