Monday, March 6, 2017

HW Mr. Padilla 3.7.17

Student Name_______________________ Date_______________________
Mr. Padilla                                                      Social Studies
Parents/guardians, please assist your child with today’s homework.
Collections: Reading Lolita in Tehran: About Sanaz, continued from yesterday’s reading.
Option 3:
If she gets on a bus, the seating is segregated.  She must enter through the rear door and sit in the back seats, allocated to women. Yet in Taxis, which accept as many as five passengers, men and women are squeezed together like sardines, as the saying goes, and the same goes with minibuses, where so many of my students complain of being harassed by bearded and God-fearing men. ..How much of this experience affect her? Most probably, she tries to distance her mind as much as possible from her surroundings.
Base response on today’s reading and class discussion.
How is the experience that Sanaz has similar to Rosa Park’s situation?
How are the two the same and different?
What power do you feel that Rosa Park’s had that maybe Sanaz does not?
Option 2:
If she gets on a bus, the seating is segregated.  She must enter…and sit in the back seats, allocated to women. Yet in Taxis, which accept as many as five passengers, men and women are squeezed together like sardines… and the same goes with minibuses, where so many of my students complain of being harassed by bearded and God-fearing men. ..Most probably, she tries to distance her mind as much as possible from her surroundings.
1.        What happens when Sanaz gets in the bus?
2.        Where does Sanaz have to sit?
3.        How is the seating in the taxis?
4.        What do many students complain about in the minibuses?
5.        What does Sanaz try to do in this situation?
Option 1:
If she (Sanaz) gets on a bus, the seating is segregated. 
1.    What happens when Sanaz gets in the bus?
She must enter…and sit in the back seats…
2.    Where does Sanaz have to sit?
Yet in taxis, which accept as many as five passengers, men and women are squeezed together like sardines…
3.    How is the seating in the taxis?
and the same goes with minibuses, where so many of my students complain of being harassed by bearded and God-fearing men. ..
4.    What do many students complain about in the minibuses?

Most probably, (Sanaz) she tries to distance her mind as much as possible from her surroundings.
5.    What does Sanaz try to do in this situation?

Parent signature__________________________

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HW Mr. Padilla 6.26.18

Dear parents/guardians, It was a pleasure working with your child this academic school year 2017-18.    For those of you not attending s...