Monday, March 6, 2017

HW Mr. Padilla 3.6.17

Parents/ guardians, please assist your children with today’s homework.                                    
Reading Lolita In Tehran by Azar Nafasi
 Option 3:                       
How can I create this other world outside this room? …We follow Sanaz down the stairs, out the door and into the street...She walks quickly and with a sense of determination (mind set on doing).  The streets of Tehran and other Iranian cities are patrolled by militia, who ride in white Toyota patrols, four gun-carrying men an women, sometimes followed by a minibus. They are called the Blood of God.  They patrol the streets to make sure women like Sanaz wear their veils properly, do not wear makeup, do not walk in public with men who are not their fathers, brothers, or husbands.
Describe using your own words what it is like to walk the streets of Tehran.  Give details. What about Tehran is different or similar to NYC?
Option 2:
…We follow Sanaz down the stairs, out the door and into the street...She walks quickly… The streets of Tehran and other Iranian cities are patrolled by militia, who ride in white Toyota patrols, four gun-carrying men an women, sometimes followed by a minibus. They are called the Blood of God.  They patrol the streets to make sure women like Sanaz wear their veils properly, do not wear makeup, do not walk in public with men who are not their fathers, brothers, or husbands.
1.        What is Sanaz doing?
2.        Who is patrolling the streets of Tehran?
3.        Who ride on the Toyota patrols?
4.        What are the patrols called? 
5.                    What is their job?

Option 1:
…We follow Sanaz down the stairs… into the street...She walks quickly…
1.    What is Sanaz doing?

The streets of Tehran and other Iranian cities are patrolled (watched) by militia, who ride in white Toyota patrols, four gun-carrying men and women…
2.    Who is patrolling the streets of Tehran?

3.    Who ride on the Toyota patrols?
They are called the Blood of God.  They patrol the streets to make sure women like Sanaz wear their veils properly…
4.    What are the patrols called? 

make sure…do not wear makeup, do not walk in public with men who are not their fathers, brothers, or husbands.
5.              What is their job?

Parent Signature____________________________________

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HW Mr. Padilla 6.26.18

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