Thursday, September 29, 2016

HW Mr. Padilla 9.29.16

Homework: parents/guardians, please assist your child with today’s homework.

Option 1: Read the passage and answer questions below. Write full sentences and give examples from the text.
…After my grandma died, I felt like crawling into the coffin with her.  After my dad’s friend got shot, I wondered if I was destined to get shot…
…I’m 14 and I’ve been to 42 funerals. The sad part is that most of the deaths have been because of alcohol...
…I knew she didn’t want to tell me how my sister died.  It must have been an awful death…
...Your values are the things that you believe are important.
 It determines your priorities…

1.            A. How did Junior feel after his grandma died? B. How did it affect him?

2.            A. Why have so many people died on Junior’s reservation? B. How is this a problem today?

3.            Why didn’t Ms. Warren want to tell Junior how is his sister died?

4.            What are your values?

Option 2: Read the passage and answer questions below. Write full sentences and give examples from the text.

After my grandma died, I felt like crawling into the coffin with her.  After my dad’s friend got shot, I wondered if I was destined to get shot.

1.            How did Junior feel after his grandma died?

I’m 14 and I’ve been to 42 funerals. The sad part is that most of the deaths have been because of alcohol.

2.            Why have so many people died on Junior’s reservation?

I knew she didn’t want to tell me how my sister died.  It must have been an awful death.
3.            Why didn’t Ms. Warren want to tell Junior how is his sister died?

Option 3: Read the passage and answer questions below. Write full sentences and give examples from the text.

I’m 14 and I’ve been to 42 funerals. The sad part is that most of the deaths have been because of alcohol.

1.            How many funerals has Junior been to?

Your values are the things that you believe are important.
 it determines your priorities.

2.            What are your values?

I laughed and laughed.  I couldn’t stop laughing. I felt like I might die of laughing

3.            How did Junior react to his sister’s death?

Opción 4: Lea el pasaje y responder a las preguntas a continuación. Escribir frases completas y dar ejemplos del texto.

Tengo 14 años y he estado en 42 funerales. La parte triste es que la mayoría de las muertes han sido por culpa del alcohol.

1. ¿Cuántas funerales ha sido menor que?

Sus valores son las cosas que usted cree son importantes.
  Se determina sus prioridades.

2. ¿Cuáles son sus valores?

Me reí y reí. No podía dejar de reír. Me sentía como si pudiera morir de la risa

3. ¿Cómo junior reaccionan a la muerte de su hermana?

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