Wednesday, September 28, 2016

HW Mr. Padilla 9.28.16

Dear parents/guardians, assist your child with today’s homework. They must choose only one option.

Option 1: Read passage and answer questions. Write full sentences and give examples to support your points.              
White dads can completely disappear without leaving the room. They just become their chairs.…
My grandmother had no use for gay bashing and homophobia in the world.  Ever since white people showed up and brought their beliefs, Native Americans have gradually lost all their tolerance…
A few days after I gave Penelope a Valentine, my dad’s best friend, Eugene was shot in the face in the parking lot. Eugene’s friend got drunk and shot him.  He didn’t remember doing it…..
…Gordy defended me.  He stood up and dropped his textbook.  His courage inspired others. All of my classmates dropped their textbooks and walked out of the room.
1.            What does Junior mean when he says white dads disappear without leaving the room?  Give your own example.

2.            What has happened since white people showed up?

3.            What is an example of love and hate in the passages you just read?

Option 2: Read passage and answer questions. Write full sentences and give examples to support your points.             
White dads can completely disappear without leaving the room. They just become their chairs.
1.            How do “white dads hide in plain sight?”
My grandmother had no use for gay bashing and homophobia in the world.  Ever since white people showed up and brought their beliefs, Native Americans have gradually lost all their tolerance.
2.            Why did Native Americans lose all their tolerance?

A few days after I gave Penelope a Valentine, my dad’s best friend, Eugene was shot in the face in the parking lot. Eugene’s friend got drunk and shot him.  He didn’t remember doing it.
3.            When did Eugene get shot?
Gordy defended me.  He stood up and dropped his textbook.  His courage inspired others. All of my classmates dropped their textbooks and walked out of the room.
4.            How did Junior’s peers stand up for him?

Option 3: Read passage and answer questions. Write full sentences and give examples to support your points.              :
White dads can disappear without leaving the room. They just become their chairs.
1.            How do “white dads hide in plain sight?”

Gordy defended me.  He stood up and dropped his textbook.  His courage inspired others. All of my classmates dropped their textbooks and walked out of the room.

2.            What did Junior’s classmates drop?

Opción 4. Lee el pasaje y contestar preguntas. Escribir frases completas y dar ejemplos para apoyar sus puntos. :
papás blancos pueden desaparecer sin salir de la habitación. Ellos simplemente se convierten en sus sillas.
1. ¿Cómo los "padres blancos ocultan a la vista?"

Mi abuela tenía ningún uso para burlarse de los homosexuales y la homofobia en el mundo.
2. ¿Es homofóbico abuela de Junior?
Gordy me defendió. Se puso de pie y dejó caer su libro de texto. Su coraje inspiró a otros. Todos mis compañeros dejaron caer sus libros de texto y salió de la habitación.
3. ¿Qué hicieron caer compañeros de Junior?

Parent signature_____________________________________

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HW Mr. Padilla 6.26.18

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