Sunday, September 18, 2016

HW Mr. Padilla 9.19.16

Homework: Dear parents/guardians, please assist your child with today’s homework.

Read:  Rituals of Memory by Kimberly Blaeser. Answer questions below using complete sentences and evidence form the text.
Option 1:
Memory begins with various wonders. For my friend Mary, it began with hair. Her hair grew tightly curled…Brushing and combing brought tears. When Mary tried to run her fingers through her hair as she saw others do, her fingers became hopelessly captured by curls. …Because her locks had never been cut, the loops never broken, her fingers became entangled in the loops. Perhaps that story delights me because it stands as a wonderful example of our always innocent attempts to explain the world or …relationships of family, place, and community… No matter how long our lives, no matter how far our experience takes us from our origins, our lives remain connected, always loopback to that center…

1.     Describe Mary’s first memory? Paraphrase the author’s words.
2.     Why was Mary trying to run her fingers through her hair? 
3.     Do you think other girls’ hair had curls, too? Give evidence to support your point.
4.     Why does Kimberly like this story?

Option 2:

Memory begins with various wonders. For my friend Mary, it began with hair. Her hair grew tightly curled…Brushing … brought tears. When Mary tried to run her fingers through her hair,…her fingers became hopelessly captured by curls. …Because her locks had never been cut,… her fingers became entangled in the loops. Perhaps that story delights me because it stands as a wonderful example of our always innocent attempts to explain the world or …relationships of family, place, and community… No matter how long our lives…. our lives remain connected, always loopback to that center…
1.     Describe Mary’s first memory? Paraphrase the author’s words.

2.     Why was Mary trying to run her fingers through her hair?

3.     Do you think other girls’ hair had curls, too? Give evidence to support your point.
4.     Why does Kimberly like this story?
Option 3:
Memory begins with …wonders. For my friend Mary, it began with hair.
1.     Where do memories begin?
2.     How did memories bginin for Mary?
Her hair grew tightly curled…Brushing … brought tears.
3. What happened when she brushed her hair?
No matter how long our lives…. our lives remain connected..
3.     What happens no matter how long our lives

Opcion 4:

La memoria comienza con varias maravillas. Por mi amiga María, comenzó con el pelo. Su pelo creció muy rizado ... cepillar su cabello le traia lágrimas. Cuando María trató de pasar los dedos por el pelo, ... sus dedos quedaron enredados en sus rizos. ...Tal vez esa historia me encanta, ya que se erige como un ejemplo maravilloso de nuestros intentos siempre inocentes para explicar el mundo o ... las relaciones de familia, el lugar y la comunidad ... No importa cuánto tiempo nuestras vidas .... nuestras vidas permanecen conectados, siempre bucle de retorno a ese centro ...

1. Describir primer recuerdo de María? Parafraseando las palabras del autor.

2. ¿Por qué fue María tratando de pasar los dedos por el pelo?

3. ¿Cree que el pelo de las otras niñas tenían rizos, también? Da evidencia para apoyar su punto.

4. ¿Por qué  a Kimberly le gusta esta historia?

Parent signature______________________________

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