Thursday, September 29, 2016

HW Mr. Padilla 9.30.16

Parents/guardians, please assist your child with today’s homework.
Read the passage and answer the questions that follow.  Write in complete sentences. Give evidence to support your points.
Option 1:
My mother and father are drunks, too, but they aren't mean like that. Not at all. They sometimes ignore me. Sometimes they yell at me. But they never, ever, never, ever hit me. I've never even been spanked. Really. I think my mother wants to haul off and give me a slap, but my father won't let it happen.
He doesn't believe in physical punishment; he believes in staring so cold at me that I turn into a ice-covered ice cube with an icy filling.
My house is a safe place, so Rowdy spends most of his time with us. It's like he's a family member, an extra brother and son. (3.21-3.23)
1.    How does Arnold describe his home life?
2.    How is Arnold's punish him?
3.     Is Arnold’s home a safe place? How?
4.    Why do you think Rowdy spends time with Junior’s family?

Option 2
My mother and father are drunks, too, but they aren't mean ... Not at all. They sometimes ignore me. Sometimes they yell at me. But they never, ever, never, ever hit me. I've never even been spanked. Really. I think my mother wants to … give me a slap, but my father won't let it happen.
He doesn't believe in physical punishment; he believes in staring so cold at me that I turn into … ice cube with an icy filling.
My house is a safe place, so Rowdy spends most of his time with us. It's like he's a family member, an extra brother and son. (3.21-3.23)
1.    How does Arnold describe his parents?
2.    How does Arnold's dad punish him?
3.     Is Arnold’s home a safe place? How?
4.    Why do you think Rowdy spends time with Junior’s family?

Option  3:
My mother and father are drunks, too, but they aren't mean ...
1. How are   Arnold’s parents?
They sometimes ignore me. Sometimes they yell at me. But they never… ever hit me.
2. What do Junior’s parents do sometimes?
 I've never even been spanked. Really. I think my mother wants to … give me a slap, but my father won't let it happen.
3. What does Junior say has never happened to him?
4. What does his mother want to do?

Parent Signature__________________________________

HW Mr. Padilla 9.29.16

Homework: parents/guardians, please assist your child with today’s homework.

Option 1: Read the passage and answer questions below. Write full sentences and give examples from the text.
…After my grandma died, I felt like crawling into the coffin with her.  After my dad’s friend got shot, I wondered if I was destined to get shot…
…I’m 14 and I’ve been to 42 funerals. The sad part is that most of the deaths have been because of alcohol...
…I knew she didn’t want to tell me how my sister died.  It must have been an awful death…
...Your values are the things that you believe are important.
 It determines your priorities…

1.            A. How did Junior feel after his grandma died? B. How did it affect him?

2.            A. Why have so many people died on Junior’s reservation? B. How is this a problem today?

3.            Why didn’t Ms. Warren want to tell Junior how is his sister died?

4.            What are your values?

Option 2: Read the passage and answer questions below. Write full sentences and give examples from the text.

After my grandma died, I felt like crawling into the coffin with her.  After my dad’s friend got shot, I wondered if I was destined to get shot.

1.            How did Junior feel after his grandma died?

I’m 14 and I’ve been to 42 funerals. The sad part is that most of the deaths have been because of alcohol.

2.            Why have so many people died on Junior’s reservation?

I knew she didn’t want to tell me how my sister died.  It must have been an awful death.
3.            Why didn’t Ms. Warren want to tell Junior how is his sister died?

Option 3: Read the passage and answer questions below. Write full sentences and give examples from the text.

I’m 14 and I’ve been to 42 funerals. The sad part is that most of the deaths have been because of alcohol.

1.            How many funerals has Junior been to?

Your values are the things that you believe are important.
 it determines your priorities.

2.            What are your values?

I laughed and laughed.  I couldn’t stop laughing. I felt like I might die of laughing

3.            How did Junior react to his sister’s death?

Opción 4: Lea el pasaje y responder a las preguntas a continuación. Escribir frases completas y dar ejemplos del texto.

Tengo 14 años y he estado en 42 funerales. La parte triste es que la mayoría de las muertes han sido por culpa del alcohol.

1. ¿Cuántas funerales ha sido menor que?

Sus valores son las cosas que usted cree son importantes.
  Se determina sus prioridades.

2. ¿Cuáles son sus valores?

Me reí y reí. No podía dejar de reír. Me sentía como si pudiera morir de la risa

3. ¿Cómo junior reaccionan a la muerte de su hermana?

Parent signature_______________________________________

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

HW Mr. Padilla 9.28.16

Dear parents/guardians, assist your child with today’s homework. They must choose only one option.

Option 1: Read passage and answer questions. Write full sentences and give examples to support your points.              
White dads can completely disappear without leaving the room. They just become their chairs.…
My grandmother had no use for gay bashing and homophobia in the world.  Ever since white people showed up and brought their beliefs, Native Americans have gradually lost all their tolerance…
A few days after I gave Penelope a Valentine, my dad’s best friend, Eugene was shot in the face in the parking lot. Eugene’s friend got drunk and shot him.  He didn’t remember doing it…..
…Gordy defended me.  He stood up and dropped his textbook.  His courage inspired others. All of my classmates dropped their textbooks and walked out of the room.
1.            What does Junior mean when he says white dads disappear without leaving the room?  Give your own example.

2.            What has happened since white people showed up?

3.            What is an example of love and hate in the passages you just read?

Option 2: Read passage and answer questions. Write full sentences and give examples to support your points.             
White dads can completely disappear without leaving the room. They just become their chairs.
1.            How do “white dads hide in plain sight?”
My grandmother had no use for gay bashing and homophobia in the world.  Ever since white people showed up and brought their beliefs, Native Americans have gradually lost all their tolerance.
2.            Why did Native Americans lose all their tolerance?

A few days after I gave Penelope a Valentine, my dad’s best friend, Eugene was shot in the face in the parking lot. Eugene’s friend got drunk and shot him.  He didn’t remember doing it.
3.            When did Eugene get shot?
Gordy defended me.  He stood up and dropped his textbook.  His courage inspired others. All of my classmates dropped their textbooks and walked out of the room.
4.            How did Junior’s peers stand up for him?

Option 3: Read passage and answer questions. Write full sentences and give examples to support your points.              :
White dads can disappear without leaving the room. They just become their chairs.
1.            How do “white dads hide in plain sight?”

Gordy defended me.  He stood up and dropped his textbook.  His courage inspired others. All of my classmates dropped their textbooks and walked out of the room.

2.            What did Junior’s classmates drop?

Opción 4. Lee el pasaje y contestar preguntas. Escribir frases completas y dar ejemplos para apoyar sus puntos. :
papás blancos pueden desaparecer sin salir de la habitación. Ellos simplemente se convierten en sus sillas.
1. ¿Cómo los "padres blancos ocultan a la vista?"

Mi abuela tenía ningún uso para burlarse de los homosexuales y la homofobia en el mundo.
2. ¿Es homofóbico abuela de Junior?
Gordy me defendió. Se puso de pie y dejó caer su libro de texto. Su coraje inspiró a otros. Todos mis compañeros dejaron caer sus libros de texto y salió de la habitación.
3. ¿Qué hicieron caer compañeros de Junior?

Parent signature_____________________________________

Sunday, September 25, 2016

HW Mr. Padilla 9.26.16


Dear Parent/Guardians, 
Please assist your child with today's HW. Your child must chose 1 of 3 options below. Feel free to read passage together and discuss questions together.

Option 1:  Read the passage and answer questions below. Write complete sentences and provide examples from the text to support your point.

"Who has the most hope?" I asked.
Mom and Dad looked at each other. They studied each other's eyes, you know, like they had antennas and were sending radio signals to each other. And then they both looked back at me.
"Come on, I said. "Who has the most hope?"
"White people," my parents said at the same time. (6.7-6.10)

1.     To begin with what does the word hope mean to you?

2.     Arnold wants to know who has the most hope, what do his parents say?

3.     Why do you think they would say this?  Should Junior believe this? Why?

4.      Do you believe that people who have more money and resources have more hope?  Explain.

5.     Do you think poor white people have as much hope as rich ones? Why or why not?
Option 2: Read the passage and answer questions below. Write complete sentences and provide examples from the text to support your point.

"Who has the most hope?" I asked.
Mom and Dad looked at each other. They studied each other's eyes, you know… And then they both looked back at me.
"Come on, I said. "Who has the most hope?"
"White people," my parents said at the same time.

1.     What does the word hope mean to you?

2.     Arnold wants to know who has the most hope, what do his parents say?

3.     Do you agree with what his parents say, why or why not?

4.      Do you believe that people who have more money and resources have more hope?  Explain.

Option 3: Read the passage and answer the questions:

"Who has the most hope?" I asked.

1. What did Junior ask?

Mom and Dad looked at each other. They studied each other's eyes…

2. What did Mom and Dad do?

"… I said. "Who has the most hope?"
"White people," my parents said at the same time.

3. What did Junior say?

4. What did Junior’s parents say?

Parent signature__________________________________

Thursday, September 22, 2016

HW Mr. Padilla 9.23.16

Homework: Dear parents/guardians, please assist your child with today’s homework.

Option 1: Base response on today’s lesson.

What is the story behind Thanksgiving?

What does Thanksgiving have to do with the novel we are reading?

 How does Junior feel about it?

Option 2: Base response on today’s lesson.

What does Junior think about Indians celebrating Thanksgiving?

What does Thanksgiving and Columbus Day have in common? 

What would Junior say about Columbus Day?

Option 3: Base response on today’s lesson.

Why does Junior think it is funny for Indians to celebrate Thanksgiving Day?

Parent signature______________________________

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

HW Mr. Padilla 9.20.16

Dear Parent/Guardians,  Please assist your child with today's HW. Your child must chose 1 option below. Feel free to read passage together and discuss questions together.
Read the passage and then answer the questions below:

A. I always think it's funny when Indians celebrate Thanksgiving. I mean, sure, the Indians and Pilgrims were best friends during that first Thanksgiving, but a few years later, the Pilgrims were shooting Indians.
So I'm never quite sure why we eat turkey like everybody else.
"Hey, Dad," I said. "What do Indians have to be so thankful for?"
"We should give thanks that they didn't kill all of us."
We laughed like crazy. It was a good day. Dad was sober. Mom was getting ready to nap. Grandma was already napping. (14.4-14.8)

How is the Spirit family's relationship to Thanksgiving different than other American families’?

B. I always think it's funny when Indians celebrate Thanksgiving. I mean… the Indians and Pilgrims were best friends during that first Thanksgiving, but a few years later, the Pilgrims were shooting Indians.
So I'm never quite sure why we eat turkey like everybody else.
"Hey, Dad," I said. "What do Indians have to be so thankful for?"
"We should give thanks that they didn't kill all of us."
We laughed like crazy. It was a good day.. Mom was getting ready to nap. Grandma was already napping. (14.4-14.8)

How is the Spirit family's relationship to Thanksgiving different than other American families’?

C. I always think it's funny when Indians celebrate Thanksgiving.
1. What does Junior think about Thanksgiving?
I mean… the Indians and Pilgrims were best friends during that first Thanksgiving, but … later, the Pilgrims were shooting Indians.
2. Who were friends during the first Thanksgiving?
3. What happened later?

  Espanol: Siempre pienso que es divertido cuando los indios celebran Acción de Gracias. Quiero decir, claro, los indios y peregrinos eran los mejores amigos durante esa primera acción de gracias, pero unos años más tarde, los peregrinos estaban matando indios.

Así que nunca estoy muy seguro de por qué comemos pavo como todo el mundo.

"Oye, papá", le dije. "¿De qué tienen que estar agradecido los indios?"

"Debemos dar gracias de que no nos matanaron a todos."

Nos reímos como locos. Fue un buen día. Papá estaba sobrio. Mamá se preparaba para dormir la siesta. La abuela ya estaba durmiendo la siesta. (14,4-14,8)

¿Cómo es diferente la relación de la familia Espíritu  respecto a Acción de Gracias en comparacion otras familias americanas '?

Parent Signature_______________________________________________________

Sunday, September 18, 2016

HW Mr. Padilla 9.19.16

Homework: Dear parents/guardians, please assist your child with today’s homework.

Read:  Rituals of Memory by Kimberly Blaeser. Answer questions below using complete sentences and evidence form the text.
Option 1:
Memory begins with various wonders. For my friend Mary, it began with hair. Her hair grew tightly curled…Brushing and combing brought tears. When Mary tried to run her fingers through her hair as she saw others do, her fingers became hopelessly captured by curls. …Because her locks had never been cut, the loops never broken, her fingers became entangled in the loops. Perhaps that story delights me because it stands as a wonderful example of our always innocent attempts to explain the world or …relationships of family, place, and community… No matter how long our lives, no matter how far our experience takes us from our origins, our lives remain connected, always loopback to that center…

1.     Describe Mary’s first memory? Paraphrase the author’s words.
2.     Why was Mary trying to run her fingers through her hair? 
3.     Do you think other girls’ hair had curls, too? Give evidence to support your point.
4.     Why does Kimberly like this story?

Option 2:

Memory begins with various wonders. For my friend Mary, it began with hair. Her hair grew tightly curled…Brushing … brought tears. When Mary tried to run her fingers through her hair,…her fingers became hopelessly captured by curls. …Because her locks had never been cut,… her fingers became entangled in the loops. Perhaps that story delights me because it stands as a wonderful example of our always innocent attempts to explain the world or …relationships of family, place, and community… No matter how long our lives…. our lives remain connected, always loopback to that center…
1.     Describe Mary’s first memory? Paraphrase the author’s words.

2.     Why was Mary trying to run her fingers through her hair?

3.     Do you think other girls’ hair had curls, too? Give evidence to support your point.
4.     Why does Kimberly like this story?
Option 3:
Memory begins with …wonders. For my friend Mary, it began with hair.
1.     Where do memories begin?
2.     How did memories bginin for Mary?
Her hair grew tightly curled…Brushing … brought tears.
3. What happened when she brushed her hair?
No matter how long our lives…. our lives remain connected..
3.     What happens no matter how long our lives

Opcion 4:

La memoria comienza con varias maravillas. Por mi amiga María, comenzó con el pelo. Su pelo creció muy rizado ... cepillar su cabello le traia lágrimas. Cuando María trató de pasar los dedos por el pelo, ... sus dedos quedaron enredados en sus rizos. ...Tal vez esa historia me encanta, ya que se erige como un ejemplo maravilloso de nuestros intentos siempre inocentes para explicar el mundo o ... las relaciones de familia, el lugar y la comunidad ... No importa cuánto tiempo nuestras vidas .... nuestras vidas permanecen conectados, siempre bucle de retorno a ese centro ...

1. Describir primer recuerdo de María? Parafraseando las palabras del autor.

2. ¿Por qué fue María tratando de pasar los dedos por el pelo?

3. ¿Cree que el pelo de las otras niñas tenían rizos, también? Da evidencia para apoyar su punto.

4. ¿Por qué  a Kimberly le gusta esta historia?

Parent signature______________________________

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

HW Mr. Padilla 9.13.16

Dear parents/guardians, please assist your child with today’s homework:

Option 1
•"My name is Junior," I said. "And my name is Arnold. It's Junior and Arnold. I'm both."
•I felt like two different people inside of one body.
•No, I felt like a magician slicing myself in half, with Junior living on the north side of the Spokane River and Arnold living on the south.” (8.72-8.74)
•1. Is Arnold's split personality is a positive thing?

        2.  Why does Arnold use the image (example)  of a magician slicing himself in half?

•3.Do you think Arnold can live happily with two personalities? How?

•4. Would you be able to live like Arnold or are you already? Explain

Option 2:
•"My name is Junior," I said. "And my name is Arnold. It's Junior and Arnold. I'm both."
•I felt like two different people inside of one body.
•No, I felt like a magician slicing myself in half, with Junior living on the north side of the Spokane River and Arnold living on the south.” (8.72-8.74)

•1.Do you think  that Arnold's split personality is a positive thing?

      2.Do you think Arnold can live happily with two personalities? How?

•3. Would you be able to live like Arnold or are you already? Explain why.

•"My name is Junior," I said. "And my name is Arnold. It's Junior and Arnold. I'm both."
•I felt like two different people inside of one body…. with Junior living on the north side of the Spokane River and Arnold living on the south.

•1, 1.Do you think  that Arnold's split personality is a good thing?

•2. Why do you think he has to switch personalities?

•3. Have you ever had to be one person in one place and another person somewhere else?

{PARENT SIGNATURE____________________________________________

Friday, September 9, 2016

HW Mr. Padilla 9.9.16

  • Dear parents/ guardians, Please review these questions with your child. They were discussed in class today. They need to choose one option.

  • Option 1: How does history play a part in Juinor's life? Give one or 2 examples.

  • Option 2: Where did Junior live? What is a reservation?

  • Option 3: Does history play a part in your life? Explain how. 
Parent Signature_______________________________________

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

HW Mr. Padilla Social Studies 9.8.16

Dear parents/ Guardians, please assist your child with today's Homework.

Option 1: If you have internet, choose one of the Native American groups and write a paragraph in which you describe how people lived.
Option 2: Choose one of the groups we learned about today: Where did they live: continent and region. Name 1 fact. 
Option 3: What is the connection between today's topic and the Absolute True Diary of a Part Time Indian 
 Estimados padres/tutores, por favor asista a su hijo con la tare de hoy.

Opción 1: Si usted tiene Internet, elija uno de los grupos de nativos americanos y escribe un párrafo en el que describas cómo vivía la gente. 
Opción 2: Seleccione uno de los grupos del cual hemos aprendido acerca. ¿De dónde viven: los continentes y regiones. Nombre 1 hecho sobre este grupo. 

HW Mr. Padilla 6.26.18

Dear parents/guardians, It was a pleasure working with your child this academic school year 2017-18.    For those of you not attending s...