Thursday, April 7, 2016

HW Mr. Padilla 4.8.16


Parents/please assist your child with today’s homework.

Page 20-21

Topic:  Why is Steve Harmon called a monster?

In the passage below Petrocelli is speaking to the jury about Steve Harmon.

*My name is Sandra Petrocelli…I am representing the people in this matter…a case of felony murder. We’re here today…because this is not a perfect world…A citizen of our city a citizen of our state and country, has been killed by people who attempted to rob him…You, the jury, are part of this system of laws. ..I will do my best to bring you the facts of this case., and I know you will do your best  to judge the merits of the case.

Most people in our community are decent, hardworking citizens….but there are also monsters in our communities—people who are willing to steal and kill…who disregard the rights of others.

**My name is Sandra Petrocelli…I am representing the people in this… case of felony murder. We’re here today…because.…A citizen of our city…has  been killed by people who attempted to rob him…You, the jury, are part of this system of laws. ..I will do my best to bring you the facts of this case., and I know you will do your best  to judge the merits of the case.

Most people in our community are decent, hardworking citizens….but there are also monsters in our communities—people who are willing to steal and kill…who disregard the rights of others.

***My name is Sandra Petrocelli…I am representing the people in this… case of felony murder. We’re here today…because.…A citizen of our city…has  been killed by people who attempted (tried) to rob him ..I will do my best to bring you (the jury)  the facts of this case., and I know you (the jury) will do your best  to judge the …the case.

Most people in our community are …hardworking citizens….but there are also monsters in our communities—people… who … steal and kill…who disregard the rights of others.

Option 1:

Base response on this reading and what you know so far about Steve and his case.

What reputation does Sandra Petrocelli have?  Explain.

How is she trying to convince the jury that Steve is guilty? What does she tell them?

If you were a member of the jury, what thing that she says would get your attention the most and why?

Option 2: Base response on this reading and what you know so far about Steve and his case.

What do you think Petrocelli means when she says “I am representing the people”?

Why do you think she mention that “a citizen of our city has been killed?”  Why did she say it that way?  What does she want?

Does Petrocelli have a right to say “here are also monsters in our communities,” ? Why or why not?

Option 3: Base responses on this reading and what you know about the topic.

Is Petrocelli a lawyer or a presecutor? How do you know this? Give an example from the reading.

Steve Harmon is being accused of murder.  What does Petrocelli say he did?

What 2 kinds of people live in the community?  What kind of person does she say Steve is?

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