Thursday, April 21, 2016

HW Mr. Padilla 4-21-16

Homework: Parents/guardians, please assist your child with today’s homework.

Write a review of the novel Monster (you are not limited to any of these questions. Feel free to come up with your own questions or mix questions from other Option tasks).

Option 1:  Base response on what you learned about Monster.

Briefly summarize the novel.

What theme stood out for you most: Lies and Conceit; Justice or Fear and why?

After reading the novel, what did you learn about the justice system that you did not know?

Did the novel make you have more faith in the justice system, the same, or did you lose faith? Explain.

Option 2:  Base response on what you learned about Monster.

Name one character that you liked in the novel and why.

Describe the character that you liked (what he/she looked like and how he/she behaved)

Name one character that you disliked and why.

Describe the character that you liked (what he/she looked like and how he/she behaved)

Option 3: Base response on what you learned about Monster.

How did you feel about the novel Monster?

What did you like or dislike about the novel? Why?

What novel that we have read so far this year would you compare Monster to? Why?

Would you recommend this novel to someone? What would you say?

Parent signature_________________________________________________________

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HW Mr. Padilla 6.26.18

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