Wednesday, April 6, 2016

HW Mr. Padilla 4.7.16


Parents/guardians, please assist your child with today’s homework.
Topic:  Is justice always just?

Pg. 12(Vocabulary definitions/images provided on hard copy.

Cathy O’Brien is speaking to Steve Harmon before the case begins>

*  O’Brien: Let me make sure you understand what’s going on. Both you and this King character are on trial for felony murder. Felony murder is as serious as it gets. Sandra Petrocelli is the prosecutor, and she’s good…The jury might think they’re doing you a big favor by giving you life in prison. So you’d better take this trial very, very seriously.  When you’re in court, you sit there and you pay attention.  You let the jury know that you think the case is as serious as they do. You don’t turn and wave to any of your friends.

Steve: Do you think we are going to win?

O’Brien:  It probably depends on what you mean by “win.”

** O’Brien: Let me make sure you understand what’s going on. Both you and this King character are on trial for felony murder. Felony murder is as serious as it gets. Sandra Petrocelli is the prosecutor…The jury might think they’re doing you a big favor by giving you life in prison. So you’d better take this trial very, very seriously.  When you’re in court…. you pay attention.  You let the jury know that you think the case is as serious…. You don’t turn and wave to any of your friends.

Steve: Do you think we are going to win?

O’Brien:  It probably depends on what you mean by “win.”

*** O’Brien: Let me make sure you understand what’s going on. Both you and this King character are on trial for felony murder. Felony murder is…. Serious…Sandra Petrocelli is the prosecutor…The jury might think they’re doing you a big favor by giving you life in prison. So you’d better take this …. very seriously.  When you’re in court…. you pay attention…. You don’t turn and wave to any of your friends.

Steve: Do you think we are going to win?

O’Brien:  It…. depends on what you mean by “win.”

Option 1: Create a drawing of this scene where O’ Brien is speaking to Steve.   Chose a line from the dialogue for your drawing. Explain why you chose this line.

Option 2:  Read the following 2 lines. Explain what you think these 2 quotes say about Justice in your own words. (remember there is no right or wrong answer).

 O”Brien tells Steve: “The jury might think they’re doing you a big favor by giving you life in prison.” 

When Steve asks if they are going to win she says: “It…. depends on what you mean by “win.”

Option 3: Base response on today’s reading.

Who  else is on trial and why?

What might the jury give them?

What advice does Petrocelli give Steve?

How do you think Steve feels?

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