Friday, April 22, 2016

HW Mr. Padilla 4.22.16

Homework: Parents/guardians, please assist your child with today’s homework.

In May we will be reading The Hunger Games. by Suzanne Collins.

Focus Questions: What is Suzanne Collin’s family history?

Option 1:
Growing up, Suzanne Collins was a military brat. Her father was a career airman in the United States Air Force, as a result, Collins and her siblings—two older sisters and an older brother—moved around frequently, spending time in numerous locations in the eastern United States as well as in Europe. The military, in fact, played a leading role in the family’s history. Collins’s grandfather had served in World War I, her uncle served in World War II, and the year Collins turned six, her father left to serve his own tour in the Vietnam War. War, consequently, was a part of life for Collins, something very real and not just an abstract idea. While her father was gone, she would sometimes see video footage of the war zone on the news, and she recognized that her father was there fighting. Though her father returned after a year, Collins’s connection to war didn’t end. In addition to being a soldier, Collins’s father was also a military historian and a doctor of political science. That knowledge and experiences serving in the Air Force and fighting in Vietnam had a profound effect on his relationships with his children, and he made sure they learned what they could about war. While other girls’ fathers were telling them fairytales, Collins’s father educated her about military history. When the family was moved to Brussels, Belgium, for instance, her father educated her about the region’s violent history and took her on tours of the country’s historic battlefields.

Q: Based on this passage, what was it like growing up for Suzanne Collins? What made her family different? What made her different than other kids? Give examples from the text to support your views.

Bonus: If you have read the book The Hunger Games or have seen the movie: How do you think her life inspired her to write the novel?

Option 2:
Growing up, Suzanne Collins was a military brat. Her father was a career airman in the United States Air Force… Collins and her siblings—moved around frequently, spending time in numerous locations in the eastern United States as well as in Europe. The military… played a leading role in the family’s history. Collins’s grandfather had served in World War I, her uncle served in World War II, and the year Collins turned six, her father left to serve his own tour in the Vietnam War. War… was a part of life for Collins, something very real and not just an abstract idea. While her father was gone, she would sometimes see videos …of the war zone on the news, and she recognized that her father was there fighting. Though her father returned after a year, Collins’s connection to war didn’t end. In addition to being a soldier, Collins’s father was also a military historian … and he made sure they learned what they could about war. While other girls’ fathers were telling them fairytales, Collins’s father educated her about military history. When the family was moved to Brussels, Belgium… her father educated her about the region’s violent history and took her on tours of the country’s historic battlefields.

Task: Write a brief summary of this passage (1-3 sentences). To make your task easier think of the 5W’s.

In your own words, what stands out the most about this passage? Give examples from the text.

Option 2:
Growing up, Suzanne Collins was a military brat. Her father was a career airman in the United States Air Force… Collins and her siblings—moved around … spending time in numerous locations in the eastern United States as well as in Europe. The military… played a leading role in the family’s history. Collins’s grandfather had served in World War I, her uncle served in World War II, and the year Collins turned six, her father left to serve …in the Vietnam War. War… was a part of life for Collins, something very real and not just an … idea. While her father was gone, she would sometimes see videos …of the war zone on the news, and she recognized that her father was there fighting. Though her father returned after a year, Collins’s connection to war didn’t end. In addition to being a soldier, Collins’s father was also a military historian … and he made sure they learned what they could about war. While other girls’ fathers were telling them fairytales, Collins’s father educated her about military history.


Why did Suzanne move around so much when she was growing up?

Where did she live during those years?

How did the military play a leading role in her family’s history?

What did he make sure Suzanne learned?

Name one way she was different that other girls:

Parent Signature_____________________________________

Thursday, April 21, 2016

HW Mr. Padilla 4-21-16

Homework: Parents/guardians, please assist your child with today’s homework.

Write a review of the novel Monster (you are not limited to any of these questions. Feel free to come up with your own questions or mix questions from other Option tasks).

Option 1:  Base response on what you learned about Monster.

Briefly summarize the novel.

What theme stood out for you most: Lies and Conceit; Justice or Fear and why?

After reading the novel, what did you learn about the justice system that you did not know?

Did the novel make you have more faith in the justice system, the same, or did you lose faith? Explain.

Option 2:  Base response on what you learned about Monster.

Name one character that you liked in the novel and why.

Describe the character that you liked (what he/she looked like and how he/she behaved)

Name one character that you disliked and why.

Describe the character that you liked (what he/she looked like and how he/she behaved)

Option 3: Base response on what you learned about Monster.

How did you feel about the novel Monster?

What did you like or dislike about the novel? Why?

What novel that we have read so far this year would you compare Monster to? Why?

Would you recommend this novel to someone? What would you say?

Parent signature_________________________________________________________

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

HW Mr. Padilla 4.20.16

Homework: Parents/guardians, please assist your child with today’s homework.

Option 1:

1. What kind of conflict is present in Monster?

2.  Steve Harmon’s defense attorney, Kathy O’Brien, says she wants to make her client look like “a human being in the eyes of the jury” (p. 16) in contrast to the “monsters” who the assistant district attorney claims are “willing to steal and to kill, people who disregard the rights of others” (p. 21).

Why do you think Walter Dean Myers named his book Monster?

Option 2:

Read the following quote from the novel Monster and answer the questions that follow on a piece of paper. Hint: Read the quotes like a play.

Prisoner One says: Yo, Harmon, you gonna eat something? Come on and get your breakfast, man. I’ll take your eggs if you don’t want them. You want them?

Steve Harmon says in a subdued way: I’m not hungry.

Prisoner Two says: His trial starts today. He’s up for the big one. I know how that feels.

1. Context Clues: Look at the word in italics. Use the General Clues to figure out what this unfamiliar word means. What do you think the word subdued might mean?

Option 3:
Base response on the text below:

I went around behind the counter and I saw Mr. Nesbitt on the floor – there was blood everywhere – and the cash register was open.
1.   What did Jose see?

Sal Zinzi is nervous and slightly overweight.  He wears thick glasses.
2.   Describe Sal Zinzi.

Some guys were…harassing me. 

Question: What does …harassing mean to you?

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

HW Mr. Padilla 4.19.16

Homework: Parents/guardians. Please assist your child with today’s homework .

Option 1:

 “His crying got to me. Miss O'Brien said the judge could sentence me to 25 years to life. If he did, I would have to serve at least 21 years and 3 months. I can't imagine being in jail for that long. I wanted to cry with the guy.”

(If convicted—Steve would stay in prison until he's a middle- aged man, all for being the lookout.)

Part of growing up is making mistakes.  How do you think our justice system can teach young people lessons without having to punish them in such a harsh way?

What plan can you come up with that would be strict and teach a lifelong lesson?

Option 2:

“His crying got to me. Miss O'Brien said the judge could sentence me to 25 years to life. If he did, I would have to serve at least 21 years and 3 months. I can't imagine being in jail for that long. I wanted to cry with the guy.”

(If convicted—Steve would stay in prison until he's a middle aged man, all for being the lookout.)


Would this be a fair indictment? Why or why not?

What would be a fair punishment for his crime? And why?

Option 3:

“His crying got to me. Miss O'Brien said the judge could sentence me to 25 years to life. If he did, I would have to serve at least 21 years and 3 months. I can't imagine being in jail for that long. I wanted to cry with the guy.”

As a student, you know a lot about rules and consequences for breaking rules.

Would being grounded a month be a fair punishment for not doing one homework?

If a student doesn’t follow a rule, what would be the best way to teach him/her a lesson?  Explain why?

Parent signature________________________________________________________

Friday, April 15, 2016

HW Mr. Padilla 4.15.16

Homework: Parents/guardians, please assist your child with today’s homework.

Option 1:

“If [the jury] sees it as a contest between the defense and the prosecution as to who's lying, they'll vote for the prosecution. The prosecutor walks around looking very important. No one is accusing her of being a bad person. They're accusing you of being a monster. The jury can ask itself, Why should the prosecutor lie?”

Explain what the problem is when the jury sees the case as a contest between defense and jury. Use your own words.

Option 2:

  1. Steve believes that “making you live is part of the punishment” (59). Do you agree with this?  Why?

  1. Why do YOU think everyone fights in prison?

  1. Why does Steve think the prosecution is parading witnesses with terrible character in front of the jury?

Option 3:

I like the last scene in the movie, the one between me and Jerry.  It makes me seem like a real person.

1.    Why does Steve like the last scene in the movie?

Detective Karyl, when you discovered the body, were there any signs of life?

No.  But I called 911.

2.    What did Karyl do after he discovered the body?

A Black detective, Arthur Williams, sit on the edge of the table.  He only looks a few years older than Steve.

3. Describe Arthur Williams.


Thursday, April 14, 2016

HW Mr. Padilla 4.14.16

Parents/guardians, please assist your child with today's homework. 

Mr. Harmon speaking to Steve Harmon:

*When you were first born, I would lie up in the bed thinking about scenes of your life.  You playing football. You going off to college. I used to think of you…doing the same things I did…I never made the football team, but I thought—I dreamed you would.  I even thought of getting mad of you for staying out too late…I never thought of seeing you in a place like this. It just never came to me that you’d ever be in any kind of trouble…

Make a general comment about the relationship and the hopes and dreams that fathers have of their sons based on this passage.  

**When you were first born, I would lie up in the bed thinking about scenes of your life.  You playing football. You going off to college. I used to think of you…doing the same things I did…I never made the football team…—I dreamed you would.…I never thought of seeing you in a place like this. It just never came to me that you’d ever be in any kind of trouble…

What feelings do you think must be going through Steve Harmon’s heart and mind as his father talks to him?  

***When you were first born, I would lie up in the bed thinking about scenes of your life.  You playing football. You going off to college. I used to think of you…doing the same things I did…I never made the football team…—I dreamed you would.…I never thought of seeing you in a place like this… that you’d ever be in any kind of trouble…

What would Mr. Harmon do when Steve was born?

What dreams did he have for Steve?

How do you think he feels that Steve in prison? 

Parent signature____________________

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

HW Mr. Padilla 4.13.16

Homework: Parents/guardians, please assist your child with today’s homework.

Option 1:
"If you make a noise they don’t like, they say they’ll mess you up.  One guy has a knife.  It’s not really a knife, but a blade glued onto a toothbrush handle."

1. What does Steve mean when he says “mess you up”?

"Wendell Bolden is average height but heavily built with large, ashy hands.  He acts like he’s mad and wants everybody to know it."

 2. Describe Wendell Bolden:

Option 2:

If you make a noise they don’t like, they say they’ll mess you up.  One guy has a knife.  It’s not really a knife, but a blade glued onto a toothbrush handle.

What does Steve mean when he says “mess you up”?

Option 3:

Wendell Bolden is average height but heavily built with large, ashy hands.  He acts like he’s mad and wants everybody to know it.

 Describe Wendell Bolden:

A. What does he look like?

B. How does he act?

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Tuesday, April 12, 2016

HW MR. PADILLA 4-12-16

Homework: Parents/guardians, please assist your child with today’s homework.

*In a way he (the preacher, p61) was right, at least about me. I want to look like a good person. I want to feel like a good person because I believe I am. But being in here with these guys makes it hard to think about yourself as being different. We look about the same, and even though I’m younger than they are, it’s hard not to notice that they are all pretty young. I see what Miss O’Brien meant when she said part of her job was to make me look human in the eyes of the jury.

**In a way he (the preacher, p61) was right…. I want to look like a good person. I want to feel like a good person because I believe I am. But being in here with these guys makes it hard to think about yourself as being different. We look about the same….it’s hard not to notice that they are all pretty young. I see what Miss O’Brien meant when she said part of her job was to make me look human in the eyes of the jury.

***In a way he (the preacher, p61) was right…. I want to look like a good person. I want to feel like a good person because I believe I am. But being in here … makes it hard to think about yourself as being different. We look about the same….I see what Miss O’Brien meant when she said part of her job was to make me look human in the eyes of the jury.

Option 1:  Page 59-64.

What was on Steve’s mind when he wrote this, and why?

Explain how you believe he feels and give evidence.

Option 2:  What do you believe is important to Steve at this point? Give evidence from the reading.

Option 3: What does Steve want to look like? 

            What is hard to think about while he is in prison?

What does he suddenly see or understand?

Parent signature___________________________________

Sunday, April 10, 2016

HW Mr. Padilla 4.11.16


Dear parents/guardians, please assist your child with today’s homework.

*     “As Mr. Harmon’s attorney all I ask of you, the jury, is that you look at Steve Harmon now and remember that at this moment the American system of justice demands that you consider him innocent.  He is innocent until proven guilty. If you consider him innocent now, and by law you must, if you have not prejudiced him, then I don’t believe we will have a problem convincing you that nothing the state will produce will challenge that innocence” pg 26. 

**     “As Mr. Harmon’s attorney all I ask of you, the jury, is that you look at Steve Harmon now and remember that at this moment the American system of justice demands that you consider him innocent.  He is innocent until proven guilty. If you consider him innocent now… then I don’t believe we will have a problem convincing you that nothing the state will produce will challenge that innocence” pg 26. 

***“As Mr. Harmon’s attorney all I ask of you, the jury, is that you look at Steve Harmon now and remember that ….the …system of justice demands that you consider him innocent.  He is innocent until proven guilty. If you consider him innocent now… I don’t believe we will have a problem convincing you …”pg 26. 

Option 1:
Answer the Questions:
1. What is the first thing that the attorney asks the jury?
2. How should the jury consider Steve Harmon at this moment?
3. Why is it important to the attorney that  the jury Steve Harmon innocent until proven guilty?
Option 2: Read this scene above. Pretend you are an illustrator in the court and draw what is happening.
Option 3: Paraphrase the paragraph above. Right at least 2 sentences in which you tell me what is happening.

Parents signature_________________________________________________

Thursday, April 7, 2016

HW Mr. Padilla 4.8.16


Parents/please assist your child with today’s homework.

Page 20-21

Topic:  Why is Steve Harmon called a monster?

In the passage below Petrocelli is speaking to the jury about Steve Harmon.

*My name is Sandra Petrocelli…I am representing the people in this matter…a case of felony murder. We’re here today…because this is not a perfect world…A citizen of our city a citizen of our state and country, has been killed by people who attempted to rob him…You, the jury, are part of this system of laws. ..I will do my best to bring you the facts of this case., and I know you will do your best  to judge the merits of the case.

Most people in our community are decent, hardworking citizens….but there are also monsters in our communities—people who are willing to steal and kill…who disregard the rights of others.

**My name is Sandra Petrocelli…I am representing the people in this… case of felony murder. We’re here today…because.…A citizen of our city…has  been killed by people who attempted to rob him…You, the jury, are part of this system of laws. ..I will do my best to bring you the facts of this case., and I know you will do your best  to judge the merits of the case.

Most people in our community are decent, hardworking citizens….but there are also monsters in our communities—people who are willing to steal and kill…who disregard the rights of others.

***My name is Sandra Petrocelli…I am representing the people in this… case of felony murder. We’re here today…because.…A citizen of our city…has  been killed by people who attempted (tried) to rob him ..I will do my best to bring you (the jury)  the facts of this case., and I know you (the jury) will do your best  to judge the …the case.

Most people in our community are …hardworking citizens….but there are also monsters in our communities—people… who … steal and kill…who disregard the rights of others.

Option 1:

Base response on this reading and what you know so far about Steve and his case.

What reputation does Sandra Petrocelli have?  Explain.

How is she trying to convince the jury that Steve is guilty? What does she tell them?

If you were a member of the jury, what thing that she says would get your attention the most and why?

Option 2: Base response on this reading and what you know so far about Steve and his case.

What do you think Petrocelli means when she says “I am representing the people”?

Why do you think she mention that “a citizen of our city has been killed?”  Why did she say it that way?  What does she want?

Does Petrocelli have a right to say “here are also monsters in our communities,” ? Why or why not?

Option 3: Base responses on this reading and what you know about the topic.

Is Petrocelli a lawyer or a presecutor? How do you know this? Give an example from the reading.

Steve Harmon is being accused of murder.  What does Petrocelli say he did?

What 2 kinds of people live in the community?  What kind of person does she say Steve is?

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Wednesday, April 6, 2016

HW Mr. Padilla 4.7.16


Parents/guardians, please assist your child with today’s homework.
Topic:  Is justice always just?

Pg. 12(Vocabulary definitions/images provided on hard copy.

Cathy O’Brien is speaking to Steve Harmon before the case begins>

*  O’Brien: Let me make sure you understand what’s going on. Both you and this King character are on trial for felony murder. Felony murder is as serious as it gets. Sandra Petrocelli is the prosecutor, and she’s good…The jury might think they’re doing you a big favor by giving you life in prison. So you’d better take this trial very, very seriously.  When you’re in court, you sit there and you pay attention.  You let the jury know that you think the case is as serious as they do. You don’t turn and wave to any of your friends.

Steve: Do you think we are going to win?

O’Brien:  It probably depends on what you mean by “win.”

** O’Brien: Let me make sure you understand what’s going on. Both you and this King character are on trial for felony murder. Felony murder is as serious as it gets. Sandra Petrocelli is the prosecutor…The jury might think they’re doing you a big favor by giving you life in prison. So you’d better take this trial very, very seriously.  When you’re in court…. you pay attention.  You let the jury know that you think the case is as serious…. You don’t turn and wave to any of your friends.

Steve: Do you think we are going to win?

O’Brien:  It probably depends on what you mean by “win.”

*** O’Brien: Let me make sure you understand what’s going on. Both you and this King character are on trial for felony murder. Felony murder is…. Serious…Sandra Petrocelli is the prosecutor…The jury might think they’re doing you a big favor by giving you life in prison. So you’d better take this …. very seriously.  When you’re in court…. you pay attention…. You don’t turn and wave to any of your friends.

Steve: Do you think we are going to win?

O’Brien:  It…. depends on what you mean by “win.”

Option 1: Create a drawing of this scene where O’ Brien is speaking to Steve.   Chose a line from the dialogue for your drawing. Explain why you chose this line.

Option 2:  Read the following 2 lines. Explain what you think these 2 quotes say about Justice in your own words. (remember there is no right or wrong answer).

 O”Brien tells Steve: “The jury might think they’re doing you a big favor by giving you life in prison.” 

When Steve asks if they are going to win she says: “It…. depends on what you mean by “win.”

Option 3: Base response on today’s reading.

Who  else is on trial and why?

What might the jury give them?

What advice does Petrocelli give Steve?

How do you think Steve feels?

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

HW Mr. Padilla 4.6.16


Parents/guardians, please assist your child with today’s homework.  

 Topic: Fear is a theme in Monster.

* Sometimes I feel like I have walked into the middle of a movie. It is a strange movie with no plot and no beginning.  The movie is in black and white, and grainy. Sometimes the camera moves in so close that you can’t tell what is going on and you just listen to the sound and guess. I have seen movies of prisons but never one like this. This is not a movie about bars and locked doors. It is about being alone when you are not really alone and about being scared all the time.

* *Sometimes I feel like I have walked into the middle of a movie. It is a strange movie with no plot and no beginning.  The movie is in black and white…Sometimes the camera moves in so close that you can’t tell what is going on and you just listen to the sound and guess…. This is not a movie about bars and locked doors. It is about being alone when you are not really alone and about being scared all the time.

***Sometimes I (Steve) feel like I have walked into the middle of a movie. It is a strange movie with no plot and no beginning.  The movie is in black and white…Sometimes…. you can’t tell what is going on and you just listen to the sound and guess…. This is not a movie about bars and locked doors. It is about being alone …. and about being scared all the time.

Option 1:   Write a paragraph discussing the theme of Fear in another book or a film your read or saw before.  Name the book or movie and explain how they might be similar to the theme of fear in Monster.

Option 2:   What does the quote below mean to you? Explain the meaning of this quote using your own words. “It is about being alone when you are not really alone and about being scared all the time.”

Option 3:  Base response on today’s reading.

How does Steve feel when he walks into the middle of a movie?

What does he do when he can’t tell what is going on?

What Steve’s movie about? What is it not about?

{Parent Signature_______________________________________

Monday, April 4, 2016

HW Mr. Padilla 4.5.16

Parents/guardians, please assist your child with today’s homework.

Focus: What inspired Walter Dean Myers to write Monster?

Part 1

*In the beginning, there was a boy. A distracted, disruptive boy — a bad boy, his teachers said. A tall, athletic boy who fought with other kids and threw books around the classroom and talked when he wasn’t supposed to. A boy who stumbled over his words but moved with perfect grace on the basketball court. A boy who read voraciously — Mark Twain, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Samuel Coleridge, Charles Dickens, Dylan Thomas, Honoré de Balzac, James Joyce — even after he dropped out of Stuyvesant High School in New York. A boy whose questing intelligence was engaged in a long and complicated conversation with the books he read, books that made him feel more real than his real life did but that were also silent about black boys like him.

**In the beginning, there was a boy. A distracted, disruptive boy — a bad boy, his teachers said. A tall, athletic boy who fought with other kids and threw books around the classroom and talked when he wasn’t supposed to. A boy who stumbled over his words but moved with perfect grace on the basketball court. A boy who read voraciously — Mark Twain,…Charles Dickens… — even after he dropped out of Stuyvesant High School in New York. A boy whose…intelligence was engaged in …conversation with the books he read, books that made him feel more real than his real life did but that were also silent about black boys like him. 

***In the beginning, there was a boy. A distracted,..bad boy, his teachers said. A tall, athletic boy who fought with other kids and threw books around the classroom and talked when he wasn’t supposed to. A boy who stumbled over his words but moved with…grace on the basketball court. A boy who read voraciously — Mark Twain,…Charles Dickens… — even after he dropped out of….High School…A boy whose…was engaged in …conversation with the books he read, books that made him feel more real than his real life did but that were also silent about black boys like him. 

Option 1:  Base response on today’s reading and class discussion.

Why do you think Walter Dean Myers wrote Monster?  Do you think his personal life had something to with him writing the novel?  Do you think people turn out the way they do because of how they grew up? Explain.

Option 2: Base response on today’s reading and class discussion.

Explain how Walter Dean Myers used to be when he was in school. How did he behave?

What was one strength and one weakness he had?

Even though he loved to read, what was one problem he had with books?

Why do you think he wrote Monster? No right or wrong answer.

Option 3: Base response on today’s reading:

Describe how Walter behaved in school at the beginning?

What caused Walter problems?

What was he really good at?

What was one problem with the books he read? 

Parent signature_________________________________

Sunday, April 3, 2016

HW Mr. Padilla 4.4.16

Parents/guardians, please assist your child with today’s homework.

About Walter Dean Myers, Author of Monster

* “I was born on a Thursday, the 12th of August, 1937, in Martinsburg, West Virginia. My name at birth was Walter Milton Myers. I was about two years old when my mother died and then I was inexplicably given to Florence and Herbert Dean. I was raised in Harlem by Herbert, who was African-American and Florence, who was German and Native American and wonderful. They loved me very much and I grew to love Harlem.
As a child, my life revolved around my neighborhood and church. The neighborhood protected me and the church guided me. I resisted as much as I could. I was smart (all kids are smart) but didn’t do that well in school. I had a speech impediment and often found myself leading with my fists when teased.
I found solace in books. My mother read to me from a very young age. From my comfortable perch on her lap, I would watch as she moved her finger slowly across the page and I’d imagine the characters. Reading pushed me to discover worlds beyond my landscape, especially during dark times when my uncle was murdered and my family became dysfunctional with alcohol and grief.

Option 1:

What are some important events in Myer’s life?

Why do you think Walter resisted as much as he could? There is no right or wrong answers—just explain your thoughts.

Do you think he had a happy childhood or not? Explain. Use evidence.  

** “I was born on a Thursday, the 12th of August, 1937, in Martinsburg, West Virginia. My name at birth was Walter Milton Myers. I was about two years old when my mother died and then I was given to Florence and Herbert Dean. I was raised in Harlem by Herbert, who was African-American and Florence, who was German and Native American and wonderful. They loved me very much
As a child, my life revolved around my neighborhood and church. The neighborhood protected me and the church guided me. …. I was smart (all kids are smart) but didn’t do that well in school. I had a speech impediment and often found myself leading with my fists when teased.
I found solace in books. My mother read to me from a very young age. on her lap, I would watch as she moved her finger slowly across the page and I’d imagine the characters. Reading pushed me to discover worlds beyond my landscape, especially during dark times when my uncle was murdered…

Option 2:

Who were Florence and Herbert Dean?

Why did Walter move in with them?

How did Florence and Herbert help him?

How did reading help him during dark times?

*** “I was born on12th of August, 1937, in Martinsburg, West Virginia. My name at birth was Walter Milton Myers. I was about two years old when my mother died … I was raised in Harlem by Herbert, who was African-American and Florence, who was German and Native American and wonderful. They loved me very much
As a child, my life revolved around my neighborhood and church. The neighborhood protected me and the church guided me. …. I was smart (all kids are smart) but didn’t do that well in school. I had a speech impediment and often found myself leading with my fists when teased.
I found solace in books. My mother read to me from a very young age. on her lap, I would I’d imagine the characters. Reading pushed me to discover worlds beyond my landscape,

What happened when Walter was 2 years old?

Who raised Walter?

How did he feel about the people that raised him?

Why do you think he liked to read so much?

Parent Signature_______________________________________________

HW Mr. Padilla 6.26.18

Dear parents/guardians, It was a pleasure working with your child this academic school year 2017-18.    For those of you not attending s...