Thursday, June 11, 2015

HW Mr. Padilla 6-12-15

 Read the passage below and choose an option.

“And if I start thinking about something which didn't happen I start thinking about all the other things which didn't happen.
For example, this morning for breakfast I had … some hot raspberry milk shake. But if I say that I actually had Shreddies and a mug of tea I start thinking about Coco-Pops and lemonade and porridge and Dr. Pepper and how I wasn't eating my breakfast in Egypt and there wasn't a rhinoceros in the room and Father wasn't wearing a diving suit and so on and even writing this makes me feel shaky and scared, like I do when I'm standing on the top of a very tall building and there are thousands of houses and cars and people below me and my head is so full of all these things that I'm afraid that I'm going to forget to stand up straight and hang onto the rail and I'm going to fall over and be killed. (37.3-4)

Often we say that we can’t do something or another. For example, you can say we’re not good at singing or writing but then one day you sing and people will over your voice, or you can write a poem and people might love it, too.
Christopher claims that he has a hard time imagining things that haven't happened to him. But it's clear from this passage that he actually has a pretty incredible imagination.

Option 1: Write about a time when you claimed not to be able to do something and then it turned out you were pretty good at it.  How did you find out you were good? How did it make you feel?

Option 2: In the paragraph we discussed today Christopher talks about breakfast and imagines his father and other things. Draw Christopher having breakfast and the things that Christopher talks about.

Option 3: Follow instructions for option 1 plus compare your experience to Christopher’s. How is similar and different?

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