Friday, March 6, 2015

HW Mr. Padilla 3--6-15

Parents: Please assist your child with today’s homework.

Option 1: Choose question Set A or B after reading this passage:

“The first known emergence of Ebola …-the hottest type of Ebola virus-occurred September 1976, when it erupted….in fifty-five villages near the headwaters of the Ebola River.

It seemed to come out of nowhere, and killed nine out of ten people it infected. Ebola Zaire is the most feared agent at the Institute…"Those people who work with Ebola are crazy." to mess around with Ebola is an easy way to die. Better to work with something safer, such as anthrax.”

Set A:  What do you think about the people who work with Ebola: are they crazy? What would happen if no one would risk their health to help spread this disease? Should people always do what is safer? Please explain.

Set B:

1. Take an educated guess: what does emergence mean?

2. Where did the first known emergence of Ebola occur?

3. How deadly was it?

What did people at the institute say about people who work with Ebola?

Option 2: Based on what was discussed in class today draw a poster that shows: 1. where Ebola came from?  Draw a symbol that shows how people feel about Ebola? Write a head line that tells people what your drawing is about?

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