Monday, March 23, 2015

HW Mr. Padilla 3-23-15

¨Option 1:
¨If the government told us everything, the world would be in complete chaos. If the government told us that the United states would possibly be bombed soon, the whole country would freak out and possibly evacuate and if the country didn't actually get bombed, the evacuees wouldn't probably come back.
¨Is this statement in favor or against the government keeping secrets from the people?  Explain whether you agree or disagree with this statement.
¨Option 2: Compare the reading above with the reading from Hot Zone below: How do the two readings relate?
¨When he talked to the Washington Post reporters, he was careful not to discuss the … aspects of the operation. ("I thought it would not be a good idea to talk about space suits," he explained...) He was careful not to use scary military terms such as…  major pucker factor. A military biohazard operation was about to go down i… and he sure as hell didn't want the Post to find out about it.
¨Option: You work for the newspaper. Your are the photographer. Draw a picture for the front page of the news. Based on today’s lesson, draw a picture that shows what you learned. 

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