Thursday, March 12, 2015

HW Mr. Padilla 3-13-15

Option 1: Pretend you are telling a 10 year old what you learned today. How would you explain what ethics is? What examples would you use?
Option 2: Your job is to draw a poster for a movie called: Is it ethical to sacrifice a few to save many? What would you draw in your poster? You can draw or just say what you would draw.
ption 1: Pretend you are telling a 10 year old what you learned today. How would you explain what ethics is? What examples would you use?
Option 2: Do a Google search on the bombing of Hiroshima. Write 2-3 facts not learned in class today.
Option 3: Your job is to draw a poster for a movie called: Is it ethical to sacrifice a few to save many? What would you draw in your poster? You can draw or just say what you would draw.

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