Monday, March 30, 2015

HW: Mr. Padilla 3-31-15

Option 1: You are a guest on a television show. You have been invited because you are an expert on novels. Pretend you love or hate the Hot Zone. In one paragraph compare it to another novel you love or hate.
Option 2: Choose a theme we discussed in class today. Write a small paragraph in which you describe to someone who knows nothing about the Hot Zone  what is going on.
Option 3: Write a paragraph or draw images about your favorite book so far. If you draw you must draw at least 5 images and a sentence for each. If you write a paragraph, share why you like this book, identify a theme in the book and give one example.

HW Mr. Padilla 3-30-15

Option 1: What is Marburg? Compare and contrast Marburg to Ebola? You may use a venn diagram.
Option 2: We have studied several diseases during this month. Which disease do you consider the worst. Describe the disease and explain why you think it is the worst.
Option 3: write a sentence for each of the following words: 2. Marburg; yellow fever;. Lethal ; filoviruses

Thursday, March 26, 2015

HW Mr. Padilla 3-26-15

Option 1: Today we learned about Duty. Write about  two characters from any books you have EVER read or any movie you have ever seen. Who was the character? What was happening? What did this person do? Why?
Option 2: Write a paragraph about someone you know, family, neighbor, or friend, that full filled his duty. What did he/she do? And why? You may draw a comic or create a collage.
Option 3: Write a sentence for each of the following vocabulary words: Distressed ; relieve ; Alleviate; livestock ; steer

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

HW Mr. Padilla 3-25-15

Option 1: Based on today’s reading and lesson, what are the working conditions of scientists in the Hot Zone. Write one paragraph explaining their conditions, give examples.
Option 2: Write a sentence or draw an image for each of the following words:  Claustrophobia; Tendency; Hazard; biological
Option 3: The novels Hiroshima and Mice and Men also have characters that are exposed to poor working conditions. Write a short paragraph in which you tell or describe who these characters were and how they were exposed to danger.  

Monday, March 23, 2015

HW Mr. Padilla 3-24-15

Option 1: Based on this reading, how can you describe Nancy Jax. What is she talking about? What is she doing? Who is she talking to?
Option 2: How is being meticulous a theme in the Hot Zone? Describe or discuss examples that show how the characters are or arent meticulous.
Option 3: Draw the scene of Nancy Jax training doctors on how to dress, clean themselves and undress when working with monkeys in the clinic.

HW Mr. Padilla 3-23-15

¨Option 1:
¨If the government told us everything, the world would be in complete chaos. If the government told us that the United states would possibly be bombed soon, the whole country would freak out and possibly evacuate and if the country didn't actually get bombed, the evacuees wouldn't probably come back.
¨Is this statement in favor or against the government keeping secrets from the people?  Explain whether you agree or disagree with this statement.
¨Option 2: Compare the reading above with the reading from Hot Zone below: How do the two readings relate?
¨When he talked to the Washington Post reporters, he was careful not to discuss the … aspects of the operation. ("I thought it would not be a good idea to talk about space suits," he explained...) He was careful not to use scary military terms such as…  major pucker factor. A military biohazard operation was about to go down i… and he sure as hell didn't want the Post to find out about it.
¨Option: You work for the newspaper. Your are the photographer. Draw a picture for the front page of the news. Based on today’s lesson, draw a picture that shows what you learned. 

Friday, March 20, 2015

HW Mr Padilla 3-20-15

Option 1: Identify and describe Marburg and Ebola. How are they alike? How are they different?
Option 2: Slowly but surely you are becoming an expert on deadly diseases. Ebola, Yellow Fever, Malaria, The Bubonic Plague and Marburg. In your opinion, which one of these is the worst? First state your opinion and provide 2 supporting sentences.
Supporting sentence 1:
Supporting sentence 2:
Option 3: Write a sentence for each one the following words: Terminal;. Marburg 3. yellow fever . Lethal  filoviruses

Monday, March 16, 2015

HW Mr. Padilla 3-17-15

Option 1: Identify and describe Marburg and Ebola. How are they alike? How are they different?
Option 2: Slowly but surely you are becoming an expert on deadly diseases. Ebola, Yellow Fever, Malaria, The Bubonic Plague and Marburg. In your opinion, which one of these is the worst? First state your opinion and provide 2 supporting sentences.
Supporting sentence 1:
Supporting sentence 2:
Option 3: Write a sentence for each one the following words: Terminal;. Marburg 3. yellow fever . Lethal  filoviruses

HW Mr. Padilla 3-16-15

Option 1: Do a google search: find a virus or disease that is currently active. Summarize the article in one paragraph.
Option 2: Write a sentence for each of the following words: 1 thread virus. 2 mental focus 3. haemorrhagic 4. Unicef
Option 3: In one paragraph or in a drawing: summarize what you learned today in class. What, Who, Where, When and why? If you draw you must identify your drawing with captions.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

HW Mr. Padilla 3-13-15

Option 1: Pretend you are telling a 10 year old what you learned today. How would you explain what ethics is? What examples would you use?
Option 2: Your job is to draw a poster for a movie called: Is it ethical to sacrifice a few to save many? What would you draw in your poster? You can draw or just say what you would draw.
ption 1: Pretend you are telling a 10 year old what you learned today. How would you explain what ethics is? What examples would you use?
Option 2: Do a Google search on the bombing of Hiroshima. Write 2-3 facts not learned in class today.
Option 3: Your job is to draw a poster for a movie called: Is it ethical to sacrifice a few to save many? What would you draw in your poster? You can draw or just say what you would draw.

HW Mr. Padilla 3-12-15

Option 1: Today we learned about how some people risk their lives to help others. Do a Google search: find at least two people who risked their lives to save others. Write their names, who they saved, where, and how.
Option 2: Is there anyone you know, a neighbor, family member, a friend, who risked his/her life to save someone? Tell this story in one paragraph ( or draw the story)
Option 3: State your opinion: Why do you think people risk their lives to help others? Write one paragraph.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

HW Mr. Padilla 3-10-15

Option 1: Compare and contrast Ebola with the Black Death. Which one was worse. Which one scares you most. Explain why.
Option 2: Write a sentence for each of the following vocabulary words: Abnormal - Black Death- Anti-malarial *Prone* Malaria
Option 3: (3,Two, 1) Mention 3 things you learned about the Black Death. Mention 2 things you want to learn about this topic. Google 1 fact that was not learned in class today. 

Friday, March 6, 2015

HW Mr. Padilla 3--6-15

Parents: Please assist your child with today’s homework.

Option 1: Choose question Set A or B after reading this passage:

“The first known emergence of Ebola …-the hottest type of Ebola virus-occurred September 1976, when it erupted….in fifty-five villages near the headwaters of the Ebola River.

It seemed to come out of nowhere, and killed nine out of ten people it infected. Ebola Zaire is the most feared agent at the Institute…"Those people who work with Ebola are crazy." to mess around with Ebola is an easy way to die. Better to work with something safer, such as anthrax.”

Set A:  What do you think about the people who work with Ebola: are they crazy? What would happen if no one would risk their health to help spread this disease? Should people always do what is safer? Please explain.

Set B:

1. Take an educated guess: what does emergence mean?

2. Where did the first known emergence of Ebola occur?

3. How deadly was it?

What did people at the institute say about people who work with Ebola?

Option 2: Based on what was discussed in class today draw a poster that shows: 1. where Ebola came from?  Draw a symbol that shows how people feel about Ebola? Write a head line that tells people what your drawing is about?

HW Mr. Padilla 3-5-15

Option 1: Write a sentence for each of the following vocabulary words: slough; agent; host; gasp; nerveless.
ìOption 2: Choose one theme discussed in class today (Hot Zone are Fear of death, Nature is deadly, Size does not always matter).. Connect the theme to any of the books we have read in class. At least one paragraph.
ìOption 3: We  learned about homographs today. Come up with at least 2 homographs of your own.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015


Parents: Please assist your child. 
Today we compared and contrasted Hot Zone and the movie Outbreak.
Option 1: Mention 2 ways the film Outbreak and The Hot Zone novel are:
Option 2: Which exposition  (introduction) do you think is more interesting? Write a paragraph in which you state your preference. Provide two reason why with examples.
Option 3: Draw a Venn Diagram. Compare and contrast the movie Outbreak and The Hot Zone.  You may draw your answer.

Monday, March 2, 2015


¨Option 1: Mention and discuss one theme form the novel Hot Zone discussed in class today. Use examples we talked about in class as well as examples of your own, from the news, own experience, etc.
¨Option 2: Today we learned the words: agent and host. What do these two words mean? How do they relate to one another? How do they relate to the Hot Zone?
Option 3: Draw a picture that represents the words agent and host. Explain what is happening in the picture you draw

HW Mr. Padilla 6.26.18

Dear parents/guardians, It was a pleasure working with your child this academic school year 2017-18.    For those of you not attending s...