Wednesday, December 10, 2014

HW MR. PADILLA CLASS V01,V02, & V81--12/10/14

Opción 1: ¿Quién era Stonewall Jackson? ¿Cómo consiguió este nombre? ¿De qué lado estaba? ¿Qué le ha paso?
Opción 2: Aprendimos sobre los aspectos de la cultura del sur de los EE.UU. Haga una lista de algunos elementos de su cultura o de otra cultura que se comparte en común.
Option 1:  Who was Stonewall Jackson? How did he get this name? Which side was he fighting for? What happened to him?
Option 2: We learned about aspects of the USA’s southern culture today. Make a list of some elements of their culture or another culture that you is shared in common.
V02 & Vo1
Option 1: Write a short paragraph in which you connect Nelson Mandela’s struggle to any or all of the novels we have read in class.
Option 2: Pretend your job is to design book covers. If someone asked you to create a book cover about Mandela’s life, what would you draw? Male sure to draw many details.

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