Monday, December 8, 2014

HW Mr. Padilla Class V01 & V02- V81 DEC. 8TH, 2014

V01 & V02
Option 1: Write about a tradition that is not a major holiday, like Christmas, that you and your family practices each year.  Why does your family practice this tradition?
Option 2: We have learned about many Hispanic traditions and discussed some traditions from the Novel To Kill a Mocking bird. List some of these traditions. 
Option 3: Create a poster that shows what you like them most about any of the traditions we have learned about in class. Please write captions.
 Opción 1 : ¿Cree usted que la señora Caroline estaba haciendo alarde de su riqueza aunque sabía que Walter no podía pagar? ¿O pienesas que fue un error honesto ? Explícate
. Opción 2: Dibuja tres eventos de la lección de hoy . Escriba títulos

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