Tuesday, February 14, 2017

HW Mr. Padilla 2.14.17

Parents, please assist your child with today's homework.

Topic: Collections: Franklin Delano Roosevelt Fireside Chats

Level 3: President Franklin Delano Roosevelt- FDR

I can say with … confidence that no Americans, today or a thousand years hence, need feel anything but pride in our patience … toward achieving a peace in the Pacific …  The course that Japan has followed for the past ten years in Asia has paralleled the course of Hitler … in Europe and Africa.
In 1931, Japan invaded Manchukuo—without warning. In 1939, Hitler invaded Poland—without warning. In 1940, Hitler invaded Norway, Denmark, the Netherlands, Belgium --without warning. In 1940, Italy attacked France …—without warning. In 1941, Hitler invaded Russia—without warning. And now Japan has attacked Malaya and Thailand—and the United States— without warning.
…  We are now in this war. We are all in it—all the way. Every single man, woman and child is a partner in the most tremendous undertaking of our American history.
1.       What do you think is the purpose of FDR’s Fireside Chat?
2.       What evidence does he give to support his point?
3.       What part of this speech do you think will convince Americans to join the war? Explain.

President Franklin Delano Roosevelt
I can say with …that no Americans, today … need feel anything but pride in our patience … toward achieving a peace in the Pacific …  The course that Japan has followed for the past ten years in Asia has paralleled the course of Hitler …
In 1931, Japan invaded Manchukuo—without warning.
In 1939, Hitler invaded Poland—without warning.
In 1940, Hitler invaded Norway, Denmark… --without warning.
In 1940, Italy attacked France …—without warning.
In 1941, Hitler invaded Russia—without warning.
And now Japan has attacked Malaya and Thailand—and the United States— without
…  We are now in this war. We are all in it—all the way. Every single man, woman and child is a partner in the most tremendous undertaking of our American history.
1.            Who is FDR speaking to?
2.            What should people feel proud of themselves?
3.            What does Japan, Hitler and Italy have in common?
4.            Based on FDR, who is in this war?

Level 1:
President Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR)
I can say with …that no Americans, today … need feel anything but pride in our patience … toward achieving (making) a peace …
1.     Who is speaking? Who is he speaking to?
2.     Why do people need to feel proud?
 The course (the way) that Japan has followed …in Asia has paralleled (is similar to) the course of Germany’s Hitler …
3.     What does Japan have in Common with Germany?
In 1939, Hitler invaded Poland—without warning.
In 1931, Japan invaded Manchukuo—without warning.
And now Japan has attacked … Thailand—and the United States— without
4.     What has Japan done now?
…  We are now in this war. We are all in it—all the way. Every single man, woman and child is a partner in the most tremendous undertaking of our American history.
5.     Who is in this war now?

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HW Mr. Padilla 6.26.18

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