Wednesday, February 1, 2017

HW Mr Padilla 2.1.17

Homework:  Parents/guardians, please assist your child with today’s HW.

Option 3:
*At nearly midnight, the night before the bomb was dropped, an announcer on the city’s radio station said that about two hundred B-29s were approaching … and advised the population of Hiroshima to evacuate to their designated “safe areas.” Mrs. Nakamura…got her three children—…Toshio, …, Yaeko, …and Myeko—out of bed …and walked with them to … the …edge of the city… They slept until …  awakened by the roar of the planes going over Hiroshima.
… When she looked at the children and saw how tired they were, … she thought of the number of trips they had made in past weeks, all to no purpose…, she simply could not face starting out all over again. She put the children in their bedrolls on the floor, lay down herself…and fell asleep…. so soundly that when the planes passed over later, she did not waken to their sound.
Q: Survival is a theme in the novel Hiroshima.   Do you believe that survival has to do with luck or with being prepared and listening to warnings?  Explain your answer in a brief paragraph.
Option 2:
**At nearly midnight, the night before the bomb was dropped… the city’s radio station said that about two hundred B-29s were approaching … and advised the population of Hiroshima to evacuate to … “safe areas.” Mrs. Nakamura…got her three children—…Toshio, …, Yaeko, …and Myeko—out of bed …and walked with them to … the …edge of the city… They slept until … awakened by the roar of the planes going over Hiroshima.
… When she looked at the children and saw how tired they were, … she thought of the number of trips they had made in past weeks, all to no purpose…She put the children in their bedrolls on the floor, lay down…and fell asleep…. so soundly that when the planes passed over later, she did not waken to their sound.
1.     What happened at midnight?
2.     What did Ms. Nakamura do immediately?
3.     What happened after she put the bedrolls on the floor?
4.     Take an educated guess, what do you think may happen next?

Option 1:
At nearly midnight… the city’s radio station said that about two hundred B-29s were approaching … and advised the population … to evacuate (leave home) to … “safe areas.”
1.    What happened at midnight?
 Mrs. Nakamura…got her three children….out of bed …and walked  them to … the …edge of the city… They slept until … awakened by the roar of the planes going over Hiroshima.
2.    What did Ms. Nakamura do?
3.    Where did she go?
… When she looked at the children and saw how tired they were, … she thought of the number of trips they had made …to no purpose…
4.    What did Ms. Nakamura think?
She put the children in their bedrolls on the floor…and fell asleep…. so soundly (deep) that when the planes passed over later, she did not waken to their sound.

5.    What do you think the planes were going to do? 

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HW Mr. Padilla 6.26.18

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