Monday, May 14, 2018

HW Mr. Padilla 5.17.18

Homework; Dear parents/guardians, please assist your child with today’s homework.
Option 3: 
…men, women, and children. I saw them, too, fall down on the veldt
and lie where they had fallen, too weak to go on their way. The sufferers were mostly
little boys—mere infants ranging in age from four or five upwards. When the famine
struck the place they were thrown out of the huts by their parents to live or die, sink or
When the Colonel got to know of the state of affairs he instituted soup kitchens, where
horses were boiled in huge cauldrons, and the savoury mess doled out in pints and quarts
to all comers. Some of the people—those employed on works—paid for the food; the
remainder, who were in the majority, obtained it free. One of those kitchens was
established in the Stadt, and I several times went down there to see the unfortunates fed.
Task: Write a 2-3 sentence summary of this passage.
How do you feel about what was happening?
How can you connect this to Hunger Games?

Option 2:
…men, women, and children. I saw them, too, fall down ..
and lie where they had fallen, too weak to go on their way. The sufferers were mostly
little boys—…. ranging in age from four or five upwards. When the famine
struck the place they were thrown out of the huts by their parents to live or die, sink or
When the Colonel … instituted soup kitchens, where horses were boiled in huge cauldrons… Some of the people—those employed on works—paid for the food; the remainder, who were in the majority, obtained it free. One of those kitchens…I several times went down there to see the unfortunates fed.
1.            Who was too weak? What was happening to them?
2.            Who were the sufferers mostly?

3.            What happened when the famine struck?
4.            How were the horse cooked?
5.            Why did the narrator go to the kitchens?

Option 1:
The Boer War raged (went on) in South Africa from 1899 to 1902. .. British against South
…men, women, and children. I saw them, too, fall down .. and lie where they had fallen, too weak to go on their way.
1.     Who was too weak? What was happening to them?
The sufferers were mostly little boys—…. ranging in age from four or five …
2.     Who were the sufferers mostly?

 When the famine struck … they (boys) were thrown out of the huts by their parents to live or die…
3.     What happened when the famine struck?
When the Colonel … instituted (opened) soup kitchens, where horses were boiled in huge cauldrons (very big pots)… Some of the people…paid for the food;
4.     How were the horse cooked?

the remainder, who were in the majority, obtained it free. One of those kitchens…I several times went down there to see the unfortunates (unlucky) fed.
5.     Why did the narrator go to the kitchens?

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HW Mr. Padilla 6.26.18

Dear parents/guardians, It was a pleasure working with your child this academic school year 2017-18.    For those of you not attending s...