Monday, March 26, 2018

HW Mr. Padilla 3.26.18

Homework: Dear parents/ guardians, please assist your child with today’s homework.


Option 3:
 Every day, in jails and prisons across the United States, young people under the age of 18 are held in solitary confinement. They spend 22 or more hours each day alone, usually in a small cell behind a solid steel door, completely isolated both physically and socially, often for days, weeks, or even months on end. Sometimes there is a window allowing natural light to enter or a view of the world outside cell walls. Sometimes it is possible to communicate by yelling to other inmates…. Occasionally, they get a book or bible, and if they are lucky, study materials. But inside this cramped space, it’s hard to tell one hour, one day, week, or one month, from the next.

1.      What is the main point of this passage?
2.      How is this topic similar or different to Persepolis? 
3.      Do you believe this is a human rights issue? Explain.     
      Marjane is not in a prison, yet she is not free.  How is her experience similar or different to being held in solitary confinement? 

Option 2:
Every day, in jails and prisons across the United States, young people under the age of 18 are held in solitary confinement. They spend 22 or more hours each day alone, usually in a small cell behind a solid steel door, … often for days, weeks, or even months …. Sometimes there is a window allowing natural light to enter or a view of the world outside cell walls. Sometimes it is possible to communicate by yelling to other inmates…. Occasionally, they get a book or bible, and if they are lucky, study materials. But inside this cramped space, it’s hard to tell one hour, one day, week, or one month…

1.        What happens every day in the USA?

2.        How do they spend their time?

3.        Are they able to see outside? Explain.

4.        What do they get if they are lucky? What is hard to tell?

5.        Based on what you know about Marajane, is her situation the same? Explain why or why not.

Option 1:

Every day, in jails and prisons across the United States, young people under the age of 18 are held in solitary confinement.
1.    What happens every day in the USA?

They spend 22 or more hours each day alone, usually in a small cell behind a solid steel door, … often for days, weeks, or even months ….
2.    How do they spend their time?

Sometimes there is a window allowing natural light to enter or a view of the world outside cell walls.
3.    Are they able to see outside? Explain.

Occasionally, they get a book or bible, and if they are lucky, study materials. But inside this cramped space, it’s hard to tell one hour, one day, week, or one month…
4.    What do they get if they are lucky? What is hard to tell?

5.    Based on what you know about Marjane, is her situation the same? Explain why or why not.

Parent signature_______________________________________

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HW Mr. Padilla 6.26.18

Dear parents/guardians, It was a pleasure working with your child this academic school year 2017-18.    For those of you not attending s...