Tuesday, November 21, 2017

HW Mr. Padilla 11.22.17

Homework: Dear parents/guardians, please assist your child with today’s homework.

Option 3:  Read the passage and answer the questions that follow. Write Complete sentences. Use examples from the text to support your responses/points.

Tolerance is the word used …when this kind of coexistence succeeds, but tolerance is a vanilla-pudding word, standing for little more than…letting others live unremarked and unmolested.
•Pride seems …, given the American willingness to endlessly complain about them…whoever is new, different, unknown or currently under suspicion. But patriotism is partly taking pride in this … ability to throw all of us together in a country that across its length …is as different as a dozen countries, and still be able to call it by one name.

1.     What does tolerance mean? When is the word used?
2.     What does co existence mean? Give an example of coexistence from the outsiders?
3.     Who do Americans endlessly complain about? Why?
4.     What is patriotism? What does the passage say people take pride in?
5.     Based on this quote, what is special about our country? “all of us together in a country that across its length …is as different as a dozen countries, and still be able to call it by one name.”

Option 2: Read the passage and answer the questions that follow. Write Complete sentences. Use examples from the text to support your responses/points.

Tolerance is the word used …when this kind of coexistence succeeds, but tolerance is a vanilla-pudding word, standing for …letting others live unremarked and unmolested.
•Pride seems …to endlessly complain about them…whoever is new, different, unknown or currently under suspicion. But patriotism is taking pride in this … ability to throw all of us together in a country that …is as different as a dozen countries, and still be able to call it by one name.

1.    What does tolerance mean? When is the word used?
2.    What does co existence mean? Give an example of coexistence from the outsiders?
3.    Who do Americans endlessly complain about? Why?
4.    What is patriotism? What does the passage say people take pride in?

Option 1: Read the passage and answer the questions that follow. Write Complete sentences. Use examples from the text to support your responses/points.

 but tolerance is a vanilla-pudding word, standing for …letting others live 
1. What does the word tolerance stand for?

•…But patriotism (pride in one’s country) is ... taking pride in this ability to throw all of us together in a country that …is as different as a dozen countries…

2. What does patriotism mean? 

3.Are you a patriotic person? Why or why not?

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HW Mr. Padilla 6.26.18

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