Thursday, November 30, 2017

HW Mr Padilla 11.30.17

Homework: Dear parents, please assist your child with today’s homework. Choose one or MORE levels to complete. Respond to the best of your abilities. Base answers on what you learned and your own understanding. THERE are NO wrong answers.

Topic: We have finally reached the end the of The Outsider’s novel.  The passage above is the final paragraph of the novel. The last sentence of the novel is also the first sentence of the novel.

Option 3: Read passage and answer questions. Write full sentences and give examples to support your points.   

I sat down and picked up my pen and thought for a minute. Remembering. Remembering a handsome, dark boy with a reckless grin and a hot temper. A tough,… boy with … a bitter grin on his hard face. Remembering- -- and this time it didn't hurt--- a quiet, defeated-looking sixteen-year-old whose hair needed cutting badly and who had black eyes with a frightened expression to them. One week had taken all three of them. And I decided I could tell people, beginning with my English teacher. I wondered for a long time how to start that theme, how to start writing about something that was important to me. And I finally began like this: When I stepped out into the bright sunlight from the darkness of the movie house, I had only two things on my mind: Paul Newman and a ride home...
1.      What did you think of the novel? Write a few sentences explaining why you liked it or did not like.

 2.What was your favorite thing about this novel? What did you not like about the novel? Explain why. 

3.What do you think about the ending of the novel?   Was it a good ending or bad? Explain.

4.  If you could change the ending, how would you do it? Write a new ending to the novel (at least 2 sentences)

Option 2: Read passage and answer questions. Write full sentences and give examples to support your points.   

I sat down and picked up my pen and thought for a minute. Remembering. Remembering a handsome, dark boy with a reckless grin and a hot temper. A tough,… boy with … a hard face. Remembering- -- and this time it didn't hurt--- a quiet, defeated-looking sixteen-year-old whose hair needed cutting badly and who had black eyes with a frightened expression to them. One week had taken all three of them. And I decided I could tell people, beginning with my English teacher. I wondered for a long time how to … start writing about something that was important to me. And I finally began like this: When I stepped out into the bright sunlight from the darkness of the movie house, I had only two things on my mind: Paul Newman and a ride home...
1.      Who was your favorite character(s) in the novel? 

2.      What did you like about this character?

3.       What do you or don’t you have in common with this character? Explain.

4.      What character did you like the least? Explain why.

Option 1: Read passage and answer questions. Write full sentences and give examples to support your points.   

I sat down and picked up my pen and thought for a minute. Remembering. Remembering a handsome, dark boy with a reckless grin and a hot temper. A tough,… boy with … a hard face.
1.           Who do you think is writing?

2.    Who is the dark boy?

Remembering- -- and this time it didn't hurt--- a quiet… sixteen-year-old whose hair needed cutting badly…One week had taken all three of them (clue Dally, Bob and who else?)

3.    Do you think the writer is happy or sad? Explain why.

Parent signature__________________________

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

HW Mr. Padilla 11.22.17

Homework: Dear parents/guardians, please assist your child with today’s homework.

Option 3:  Read the passage and answer the questions that follow. Write Complete sentences. Use examples from the text to support your responses/points.

Tolerance is the word used …when this kind of coexistence succeeds, but tolerance is a vanilla-pudding word, standing for little more than…letting others live unremarked and unmolested.
•Pride seems …, given the American willingness to endlessly complain about them…whoever is new, different, unknown or currently under suspicion. But patriotism is partly taking pride in this … ability to throw all of us together in a country that across its length …is as different as a dozen countries, and still be able to call it by one name.

1.     What does tolerance mean? When is the word used?
2.     What does co existence mean? Give an example of coexistence from the outsiders?
3.     Who do Americans endlessly complain about? Why?
4.     What is patriotism? What does the passage say people take pride in?
5.     Based on this quote, what is special about our country? “all of us together in a country that across its length …is as different as a dozen countries, and still be able to call it by one name.”

Option 2: Read the passage and answer the questions that follow. Write Complete sentences. Use examples from the text to support your responses/points.

Tolerance is the word used …when this kind of coexistence succeeds, but tolerance is a vanilla-pudding word, standing for …letting others live unremarked and unmolested.
•Pride seems …to endlessly complain about them…whoever is new, different, unknown or currently under suspicion. But patriotism is taking pride in this … ability to throw all of us together in a country that …is as different as a dozen countries, and still be able to call it by one name.

1.    What does tolerance mean? When is the word used?
2.    What does co existence mean? Give an example of coexistence from the outsiders?
3.    Who do Americans endlessly complain about? Why?
4.    What is patriotism? What does the passage say people take pride in?

Option 1: Read the passage and answer the questions that follow. Write Complete sentences. Use examples from the text to support your responses/points.

 but tolerance is a vanilla-pudding word, standing for …letting others live 
1. What does the word tolerance stand for?

•…But patriotism (pride in one’s country) is ... taking pride in this ability to throw all of us together in a country that …is as different as a dozen countries…

2. What does patriotism mean? 

3.Are you a patriotic person? Why or why not?

Parent signature_________________________

Thursday, November 16, 2017

HW Mr. Padilla 11.17.17

Homework: Dear parents, please assist your child with today’s homework. Choose one or MORE levels to complete. Respond to the best of your abilities. Base answers on what you learned and your own understanding. THERE are NO wrong answers.

Level 1: List and describe the images.

Level 2: Which Generation do the following characters belong to? George and Lennie? Ponyboy and his brothers? Which generation that you learned about is missing here? What do you think is the biggest difference between the generations? What is the thing you believe we share the most in common? Explain why.

Level 3: Research Project: Interview members of your family, neighbors or friends.
1.     Find at least one person for each generation.
2.     Ask what kind of technology they had at the time.
3.     What music they listened to.
4.     What activities they did for fun.
5.     What movies were very popular.
6.     What was the scariest world event of their time.
Parent Signature______________________________________

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

HW Mr. Padilla 11.15.17

HW Mr. Padilla 11.16.17

Homework: Dear parents, please assist your child with today’s homework. Choose one or MORE levels to complete. Respond to the best of your abilities. Base answers on what you learned and your own understanding. THERE are NO wrong answers.

Level 1: List what you see?

Level 2: What is the “iGeneration”? What does millennial mean?  What technology do “iGeneration” people like to use?

Level 3: In your own word, are “iGeneration” people different than people born in other times? Explain how are “iGeneration” people different or not. Why are millennials called “iGeneration”? Do you consider yourself “iGeneration or not? Explain why or why not.

Parent Signature_________________________________________

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Monday, November 13, 2017

HW Mr. Padilla 11.13.17

Homework: Dear parents, please assist your child with today's homework. 

Option 3: Read the text below and answer the questions that follow. Write complete sentences. Use examples from the reading to support your points.
One morning I woke up earlier than usual. Johnny and I slept huddled together for warmth---Dally had been right when he said it would get cold where we were going. Being careful not to wake Johnny up, I went to sit on the steps and smoke a cigarette. The dawn was coming then. All the lower valley was covered with mist, and sometimes little pieces of it broke off and floated away in small clouds. The sky was lighter in the east, and the horizon was a thin golden line. The clouds changed from gray to pink, and the mist was touched with gold. There was a silent moment when everything held its breath, and then the sun rose. It was beautiful.…
"The mist was what was pretty," Johnny said. "All gold and silver."
"Uhmmmm," I said, trying to blow a smoke ring.
"Too bad it couldn't stay like that all the time."
"Nothing gold can stay." I was remembering a poem I'd read once.
"Nature's first green is gold, Her hardest hue to hold. Her early leaf’s a flower; But only so an hour.Then leaf subsides to leaf. So Eden sank to grief, So dawn goes down to day. Nothing gold can stay."
…."You know," Johnny said slowly, "I never noticed colors and clouds and stuff until you kept reminding me about them. It seems like they were never there before." He thought for a minute.
1. Underline al the descriptive words in the passage (for example, valley, gold, clouds, etc).
2.  Look up any underlined words in google images (like valley) if you are not sure what it looks like. 
3. What does” Nature's first green is gold” mean to you?  
4. What is Ponyboy talking about?
5. What could this mean: “Her early leaf’s a flower; But only so an hour”?

Option 2: Read the text below and answer the questions that follow. Write complete sentences. Use examples from the reading to support your points.
One morning I woke up earlier than usual…All the lower valley was covered with mist, and sometimes little pieces of it broke off and floated away in small clouds… The clouds changed from gray to pink, and the mist was touched with gold. There was a silent moment … and then the sun rose. It was beautiful.…
"The mist was what was pretty," Johnny said. "All gold and silver."
"Uhmmmm," I said, trying to blow a smoke ring.
"Too bad it couldn't stay like that all the time."
"Nothing gold can stay." I was remembering a poem I'd read once.
"Nature's first green is gold, Her hardest hue to hold. Her early leaf’s a flower; But only so an hour. Then leaf subsides to leaf.So Eden sank to grief, So dawn goes down to day. Nothing gold can stay."
…."You know," Johnny said slowly, "I never noticed colors and clouds and stuff until you kept reminding me about them. It seems like they were never there before." He thought for a minute.
1.       What did Pony do when he woke up? What did he see?
2.       What did Johnny find pretty?
3.       After Ponyboy recited the poem to Johnny, what did Johnny say?

Option 1: Read the text below and answer the questions that follow. Write complete sentences. Use examples from the reading to support your points.
One morning I woke up earlier than usual…All the lower valley was covered with mist….
1.      What happened in the morning?
The clouds changed from gray to pink, and …touched with gold. There was a silent moment … and then the sun rose. It was beautiful.…
2.      How did the clouds change?

Parent signature__________________________________________

Friday, November 10, 2017

HW Mr. Padilla 11.10.17

Homework: Dear parents, please assist your child with today’s homework. Choose one or MORE levels to complete. Respond to the best of your abilities. Base answers on what you learned and your own understanding. THERE are NO wrong answers.

Option 3:  Read the passage and answer the questions that follow. Write Complete sentences. Use examples from the text to support your responses/points.

* We all had the money to get in it only costs a quarter if you're not in a car but Dally hated to do things the legal way. He liked to show that he didn't care whether there was a law or not. He went around trying to break laws. We went to the rows of seats in front of the concession stand to sit down. Nobody else was there except two girls who were sitting down front. Dally eyed them coolly, then walked down the aisle and sat right behind them. I had a sick feeling that Dally was up to his usual tricks, and I was right. He started talking, loud enough for the two girls to hear. He started out bad and got worse. Dallas could talk …dirty if he wanted to and I guess he wanted to then. I felt my ears get hot. Two Bit or Steve or even Soda would have gone… along with him, just to see if they could embarrass the girls, but that kind of kicks just doesn't appeal to me. I sat there, struck dumb, and Johnny left hastily to get a coke.
Why did Ponyboy, Johnny and Dally sneak into the movies? ]

What does Dally hate and like?

Why did Ponyboy have a sick feeling?

What did Dally do?

What would the other Greasers have done if they were there?

Option 2: Read the passage and answer the questions that follow. Write Complete sentences. Use examples from the text to support your responses/points.

We all had the money.  It only costs a quarter if you're not in a car but Dally hated to do things the legal way. He liked to show that he didn't care ... He went around trying to break laws. We went to the rows of seats in front of the concession stand to sit … Nobody else was there except two girls ... Dally eyed them coolly, then walked down the aisle and sat right behind them. I had a sick feeling that Dally was up to his usual tricks, and I was right. He started talking, loud enough for the two girls to hear. He started out bad and got worse. Dallas could talk …dirty if he wanted to … I felt my ears get hot. Two Bit or Steve or even Soda would have gone… along … to see if they could embarrass the girls… I sat there, struck dumb, and Johnny left… to get a coke.
Why did Ponyboy, Johnny and Dally sneak into the movies?

What did Dally hate doing?

What did Dally like doing?
How did Dally treat the two girls?
How did Ponyboy feel about this?

Option 1: Read the passage and answer the questions that follow. Write Complete sentences. Use examples from the text to support your responses/points.

Ponyboy, Johnny and Dally go to the drive in movie -theater. Ponyboy tells what happened.

…  It only costs a quarter if you're not in a car but Dally hated to do things the legal way.
1.       How much did the movie theater cost?

2.       What does Dally hate doing?

He liked to show that he didn't care ... He went around trying to break laws.
3.       What did Dally like to do?

4.       Does Dally sound like a good kid? Why or why not?

Parent Signature_________________________________________

Thursday, November 9, 2017

HW Mr. Padilla 11.9.17

Homework: Dear parents, please assist your child with today’s homework. Choose one or MORE levels to complete. Respond to the best of your abilities. Base answers on what you learned and your own understanding. THERE are NO wrong answers.

Option 1: See the image. Describe what you see. What is happening?

Option 2:  How do these images relate to The Outsiders? Give examples from what you have learned and read in class.

Option 3:  How would you describe the 1960’s based on what you have learned in school, the images above and what you have learned on your own?  

Parent Signature_________________________________________

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

HW Mr. Padilla 11.8.17

Homework: Dear parents, please assist your child with today’s homework. Choose one or MORE levels to complete. Respond to the best of your abilities. Base answers on what you learned and your own understanding. THERE are NO wrong answers.

Option 1: See the image. Describe what you see. What is happening?

Option 2:  How do these images relate to The Outsiders? Give examples from what you have learned and read in class.

Option 3:  How is youth delinquency a problem in The Outsiders? What type of crimes do the greasers usually get involved in?

Parent Signature_________________________________________

HW Mr. Padilla 6.26.18

Dear parents/guardians, It was a pleasure working with your child this academic school year 2017-18.    For those of you not attending s...