Friday, April 21, 2017

HW Mr. Padilla 4.21.17

Homework: Parents/guardians, please assist your child with today’s homework.

Option 3: 
*In a way he (the preacher, p61) was right, at least about me. I want to look like a good person. I want to feel like a good person because I believe I am. But being in here with these guys makes it hard to think about yourself as being different. We look about the same, and even though I’m younger than they are, it’s hard not to notice that they are all pretty young. I see what Miss O’Brien meant when she said part of her job was to make me look human in the eyes of the jury.

What do you believe is important to Steve at this point? Give evidence from the reading

Option 2: 

**In a way he (the preacher, p61) was right…. I want to look like a good person. I want to feel like a good person because I believe I am. But being in here with these guys makes it hard to think about yourself as being different. We look about the same….it’s hard not to notice that they are all pretty young. I see what Miss O’Brien meant when she said part of her job was to make me look human in the eyes of the jury.

What do you believe is important to Steve at this point? Give evidence from the reading.

What was on Steve’s mind when he wrote this, and why?

Explain how you believe he feels and give evidence
Option 1:

In a way he (the preacher, p61) was right…. I want to look like a good person. I want to feel like a good person because I believe I am. But being in here … makes it hard to think about yourself as being different. We look about the same….I see what Miss O’Brien meant when she said part of her job was to make me look human in the eyes of the jury.


. What does Steve want to look like? 

         What is hard to think about while he is in prison?

What does he suddenly see or understand?

Parent signature___________________________________

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HW Mr. Padilla 6.26.18

Dear parents/guardians, It was a pleasure working with your child this academic school year 2017-18.    For those of you not attending s...