Thursday, December 8, 2016

HW Mr. Padilla 12.9.16

Parents/guardians, please assist your child with today’s homework. 

As we are studying the novel To Kill a Mockingbird, we are also learning about Hatred. There is plenty of hate in the novel. There was plenty of hate in the Civil War. Nat Turner was a slave who tried to free slaves.  This is a reading passage from Collections.

Option 3: 
In the summer of 1831, Nat Turner led a rebellion of some 70 slaves in Southampton
County, Virginia. After planning the rebellion, Turner and six other slaves killed Turner's owner and then created a slave army. They gathered arms as they marched from plantation to plantation on the way to a nearby town. Nearly 60 white men, women, and children were killed before the slaves were scattered by a group of white people on horses. Turner escaped into hiding. In the aftermath of the rebellion more than 120 slaves were killed by white people. Turner was later captured, tried, and executed by hanging in the fall of 1831.

1. Who was Nat Turner and what was he responsible for in 1831? 

2. Where and during what period of time did these events take place? 

3. What happened after they planned a rebellion? 

4. What type of damage did they cause? 

5. What happened to Turner and how was he dealt with? 

Option 2: 
In the summer of 1831, Nat Turner led a rebellion of some 70 slaves in…Virginia. .. Turner and six other slaves killed Turner's owner and then created a slave army. They gathered arms as they marched from plantation to plantation on the way to a nearby town. Nearly 60 white men, women, and children were killed before the slaves were scattered by a group of white people on horses. Turner escaped into hiding. In the aftermath of the rebellion more than 120 slaves were killed by white people. Turner was later captured… and executed by hanging in the fall of 1831.

1. What happened in 1831?

2. What did Nat and the others do?

3. What damage did they cause?

4. What happened to Nat Turner?

5. Based on what we learned today, why did he do these things? 

Option 1: 
In the summer of 1831, Nat Turner led … some 70 slaves in…Virginia.
1. What happened in 1831?
 .. Turner and six other slaves killed Turner's owner and then created a slave army
2. What did Nat and the others do?
… Nearly 60 white men, women, and children were killed
3. What damage did they cause?
…Turner escaped into hiding…Turner was later captured… and executed by hanging in the fall of 1831.
4. What happened to Nat Turner?
5. Based on what we learned today, why did he do these things? 

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HW Mr. Padilla 6.26.18

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