Tuesday, August 9, 2016

HW Mr. Padilla 8.9.16

Homework: Parent/guardian, please assist your child with today’s homework.

Quilt of a Nation-Can we all get along? 

Option 1: Base response on today’s class discussion and reading.
What is the point of this splintered whole? What is the point of a nation in which Arab cabbies chauffeur Jewish passengers through the streets of New York--and in which Jewish cabbies chauffeur Arab passengers, too, and yet speak in theory of hatred, one for the other? What is the point of a nation in which one part seems to be always on the verge of fisticuffs with another, blacks and whites, gays and straights, left and right, Pole and Chinese and Puerto Rican and Slovenian? Other countries with such divisions have in fact divided into new nations with new names, but not this one, impossibly interwoven even in its hostilities.

Splintered- broken into pieces                         Fisticuffs- a fist fight
Chauffeur- a person whose job is to drive      Interwoven- connected
Theory- ideas that are not proven                               Hostilities- showing feelings of anger      

Task: Based on what you have read and discussed, how can you connect this passage to the theme of love and hate in Romeo and Juliet and West Side Story.  Give at least 2 examples from each novel.

Option 2:  Base response on today’s class discussion and reading.

Task: Do you believe that people have more in common than they do differences?  State what you believe and then give one example from Romeo and Juliet, West Side Story and real life.  Write at least 4-6 sentences.

Option 3: Think about what we discussed today as you plan your sentences.

Task: Write one sentence for each word below.

Splintered- broken into pieces                         Fisticuffs- a fist fight
Chauffeur- a person whose job is to drive      Interwoven- connected
Theory- ideas that are not proven                               Hostilities- showing feelings of anger      Fisticuffs- a fist fight

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HW Mr. Padilla 6.26.18

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