Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Global HW 12-18-13 Mr. Padilla

All novels we've read so far have heroes. But what does it mean to be hero? 

Option 1: Choose a hero from any of the novels and discuss in a brief paragraph what makes him/her a hero? 

Option 2: Draw 3 heroes from any of the novels. Identify each hero and the novel the hero is in. Also name one thing the hero fought for. 

Option 3: Make a list of hero from each book: Which one is most like Mandela? explain why? And which hero  do you like the most? Explain why?

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Global HW Mr. Padilla 12-17-13

Continue working on your class project. 

Bring a draft to class tomorrow if you are writing a poem or lyrics. 

Bring a sketch if you are working on a drawing. 

Bring a topic with some ideas if you are writing an article. 

If you are writing a power point, continue doing research and save your links. 

Monday, December 16, 2013

Global Mr. Padilla HW 12-16-13

  • Please review these questions with your child. They were discussed in class today. They need to choose one option.
Homework: Work on your projects.  Draw a sketch if you are drawing. Write a draft so that I can help you in class if you are writing a poem, play, etc.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Global HW Mr. Padilla 12-13-13

  • Please review these questions with your child. They were discussed in class today. They need to choose one option.
  • Option 1: What does To Kill a Mockingbird and the Scottsboro Trial have in common? Write a short paragraph.
  • Option 2: Create a newspaper cover page.  You can write headlines and draw. Make sure to include the 5 W’s.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Global HW Mr. Padilla 12-12-13

Option 1: write a sentence for each of the following vocabulary words.  1.Vagabond- 2. accuser 3.Defendant- 4. Peculiar – 5.postponement- 6.legislature-
Option 2: Write a paragraph in which you summarize the story of the Scottsboro Boys and Trial.
Option 3: Make a prediction: tomorrow we will learn about the similarities between the Scottsboro Trial and Tom Robinson’s trial. Write a small paragraph in which you guess how they will be similar.
Option 4: Draw or write 3 events of the Scottsboro Boy’s story in order. Please label your drawing. 

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Global HW Mr/ Padilla 12-10-13

  • Dear parents, today's homework is based on topics discussed in class today. Your child should choose just one option. 
  • Option 1: Write a sentence for each of the following vocabulary words: Bridgework: Baptist : Christian Protestant ; Surge
  • Option 2: Based on your readings, all your classes, and our class, do you think Boo is a monster? Explain why or why not.
  • Option 3: Why did religion have a surge during the 1930’s?
  • Please review these questions with your child. They were discussed in class today. They need to choose one option. 
  • Please reach me at 212-477-2090 if you have any questions/comments. 

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Global HW Mr. Padilla 12-5-13

Option 1: Write a sentence for each of the following vocabulary words: 1. ostentatious2. delegation3. Conferred . 4. Exacerbate5. Flaunt
Option2: Do you believe Ms. Caroline was flaunting her wealth, that she knew Walter couldn’t pay but didn’t care? Or was it an honest mistake? Explain yourself.
Option 3: Draw three events from today’s lesson. Write captions.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Global HW Mr. Padilla 12-4-13

Option 1: Write a sentence for each of the following vocabulary terms: 1. Customary 2. homestead
3. Impotent. Agricultural society 6. Industrial
}Option 2: Write a paragraph in which you explain why knowing about the civil war is important to understand To Kill a Mocking bird.  Use examples from the book and class discussion.
}Option 3: Use the five W’s to explain why the civil war is important to understand To Kill a Mocking Bird. Use examples from the book and class discussion.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Global HW Padilla 12-3-13

  • Please review these questions with your child. They were discussed in class today. They need to choose one option. 
  • Please contact me at with questions or concerns. 
Option 1: Today we spoke about segregation both in the past and present. Write a small paragraph in which you discuss whether or not segregation still exists.
lOption 2: Today we talked about the Great Depression. Create a Venn diagram to compare and contrast the Great Depression in the books Grapes of Wrath and To Kill a Mocking Bird (base your answers on what you learned in class today.
lOption 3: Today we mentioned segregation and the Great Depression. Draw a t- chart on a sheet of paper. On one side draw or write any words you recall about segregation and on the other do the same with the Great Depression.  

Monday, December 2, 2013

Global HW Mr. Padilla 12-1-13

}Please review these questions with your child. They were discussed in class today. They need to choose one option. 
Parents: please email if you have concerns or questions: 
}Option 1: Write a sentence for each of the following vocabulary words: . Status quo ;Civil rights ;Jim Crow ; Segregation
}Option 2: Pretend you are writing a review in a newspaper for To Kill A Mocking Bird: You can aonly talk about what you know about the book. You may not say if it is good or not. But you can say if it sounds interesting and why or why not.

HW Mr. Padilla 6.26.18

Dear parents/guardians, It was a pleasure working with your child this academic school year 2017-18.    For those of you not attending s...