Saturday, April 7, 2018

HW Mr. Padilla 4.30.18

Homework: Parents/guardians, please assist your child with today’s homework.

Write a review of the novel Monster (you are not limited to any of these questions. Feel free to come up with your own questions or mix questions from other Option tasks).

Option 1:  Base response on what you learned about Monster.

Briefly summarize the novel.

What theme stood out for you most: Lies and Conceit; Justice or Fear and why?

After reading the novel, what did you learn about the justice system that you did not know?

Did the novel make you have more faith in the justice system, the same, or did you lose faith? Explain.

Option 2:  Base response on what you learned about Monster.

Name one character that you liked in the novel and why.

Describe the character that you liked (what he/she looked like and how he/she behaved)

Name one character that you disliked and why.

Describe the character that you liked (what he/she looked like and how he/she behaved)

Option 3: Base response on what you learned about Monster.

How did you feel about the novel Monster?

What did you like or dislike about the novel? Why?

What novel that we have read so far this year would you compare Monster to? Why?

Would you recommend this novel to someone? What would you say?

Parent signature_________________________________________________________

HW Mr. Padilla 4.27.18

Homework: Dear parents/ guardians, please assist your child with today’s homework.

Parent Signature_____________________________

HW Mr. Padilla 4.26.18

Homework: Parents/guardians. Please assist your child with today’s homework .

Option 3:

 “His crying got to me. Miss O'Brien said the judge could sentence me to 25 years to life. If he did, I would have to serve at least 21 years and 3 months. I can't imagine being in jail for that long. I wanted to cry with the guy.”
(If convicted—Steve would stay in prison until he's a middle- aged man, all for being the lookout.)

Part of growing up is making mistakes.  How do you think our justice system can teach young people lessons without having to punish them in such a harsh way?
What realistic plan can you come up with that would be strict and teach a lifelong lesson?

Option 2:
“His crying got to me. Miss O'Brien said the judge could sentence me to 25 years to life. If he did, I would have to serve at least 21 years and 3 months. I can't imagine being in jail for that long. I wanted to cry with the guy.”
(If convicted—Steve would stay in prison until he's a middle aged man, all for being the lookout.)

Would this be a fair indictment (punishment)? Why or why not?
What would be a fair punishment for his crime? And why?

Option 1:
“His crying got to me. Miss O'Brien said the judge could sentence me to 25 years to life. If he did, I would have to serve at least 21 years and 3 months. I can't imagine being in jail for that long. I wanted to cry with the guy.”
As a student, you know a lot about rules and consequences for breaking rules.
1.    Would being grounded a month be a fair punishment for not doing one homework?
2.    If a student doesn’t follow a rule, what would be the best way to teach him/her a lesson?  Explain why?

Parent signature___________________________________________________

HW Mr. Padilla 4.25.18

Homework: Dear parents/ guardians, please assist your child with today’s homework.

Parent Signature_____________________________

HW Mr. Padilla 4.24.18

Homework: Dear parents/ guardians, please assist your child with today’s homework.

Parent Signature_____________________________

HW Mr. Padilla 4.23.18

Homework: Parents/guardians, please assist your child with today’s homework.

Option 1:
"If you make a noise they don’t like, they say they’ll mess you up.  One guy has a knife.  It’s not really a knife, but a blade glued onto a toothbrush handle."

1. What does Steve mean when he says “mess you up”?

"Wendell Bolden is average height but heavily built with large, ashy hands.  He acts like he’s mad and wants everybody to know it."

 2. Describe Wendell Bolden:

Option 2:

If you make a noise they don’t like, they say they’ll mess you up.  One guy has a knife.  It’s not really a knife, but a blade glued onto a toothbrush handle.

What does Steve mean when he says “mess you up”?

Option 3:

Wendell Bolden is average height but heavily built with large, ashy hands.  He acts like he’s mad and wants everybody to know it.

 Describe Wendell Bolden:

A. What does he look like?

B. How does he act?

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HW Mr. Padilla 4.20.18

Homework: Dear parents/ guardians, please assist your child with today’s homework.

Parent Signature_____________________________

HW Mr. Padilla 4.19.18

Homework:  Dear parents/guardians, please assist your child with today’s homework.

*     “As Mr. Harmon’s attorney all I ask of you, the jury, is that you look at Steve Harmon now and remember that at this moment the American system of justice demands that you consider him innocent.  He is innocent until proven guilty. If you consider him innocent now, and by law you must, if you have not prejudiced him, then I don’t believe we will have a problem convincing you that nothing the state will produce will challenge that innocence” pg 26.

Paraphrase the paragraph above. Right at least 2 sentences in which you tell me what is happening.

Option 2:
**     “As Mr. Harmon’s attorney all I ask of you, the jury, is that you look at Steve Harmon now and remember that at this moment the American system of justice demands that you consider him innocent.  He is innocent until proven guilty. If you consider him innocent now… then I don’t believe we will have a problem convincing you that nothing the state will produce will challenge that innocence” pg 26.

Answer the Questions:
•1. What is the first thing that the attorney asks the jury?
•2. How should the jury consider Steve Harmon at this moment?
•3. Why is it important to the attorney that  the jury Steve Harmon innocent until proven guilty?

•Option 1:
 “As Mr. Harmon’s attorney (lawyer)all I ask of you, the jury, is that you look at Steve Harmon now
1.       What Steve’s attorney asking?
and remember that ….the …system of justice demands that you consider him innocent.
2.       What does the attorney ask the jury to remember?
 He is innocent until proven guilty.
3.       How can Steve stop being innocent?
If you consider him innocent now… I don’t believe we will have a problem convincing you …”pg 26.
4.       What happens if the jury considers him innocent now?

Parents signature_________________________________________________

HW Mr. Padilla 4.18.18

Homework: Dear parents/ guardians, please assist your child with today’s homework.

Parent Signature_____________________________

HW Mr. Padilla 4.17.18

Homework: Dear parents/ guardians, please assist your child with today’s homework.

Parent Signature_____________________________

HW Mr. Padilla 4.16.18

Homework: Parents/guardians, please assist your child with today’s homework.
Topic:  Is justice always just?

Cathy O’Brien is speaking to Steve Harmon before the case begins>

Option 3:

 O’Brien: Let me make sure you understand what’s going on. Both you and this King character are on trial for felony murder. Felony murder is as serious as it gets. Sandra Petrocelli is the prosecutor, and she’s good…The jury might think they’re doing you a big favor by giving you life in prison. So you’d better take this trial very, very seriously.  When you’re in court, you sit there and you pay attention.  You let the jury know that you think the case is as serious as they do. You don’t turn and wave to any of your friends.

Steve: Do you think we are going to win?

O’Brien:  It probably depends on what you mean by “win.”

  Read the following 2 lines. Explain what you think these 2 quotes say about Justice in your own words. (remember there is no right or wrong answer).

Option 2: Base response on today’s reading.

** O’Brien: Let me make sure you understand what’s going on. Both you and this King character are on trial for felony murder. Felony murder is as serious as it gets. Sandra Petrocelli is the prosecutor…The jury might think they’re doing you a big favor by giving you life in prison. So you’d better take this trial very, very seriously.  When you’re in court…. you pay attention.  You let the jury know that you think the case is as serious…. You don’t turn and wave to any of your friends.

Steve: Do you think we are going to win?

O’Brien:  It probably depends on what you mean by “win.”

Who  else is on trial and why?

What might the jury give them?

What advice does O Brien give Steve?

How do you think Steve feels?

5. When O' Brien says: "It…. depends on what you mean by “win.” Does this sound like a good thing or bad thing? Why?

*** O’Brien: Let me make sure you understand what’s going on. Both you and this King character are on trial for felony murder.

1. Who  else is on trial and why?

 Felony murder is…. Serious…Sandra Petrocelli is the prosecutor
2. Who is the prosecutor?

The jury might think they’re doing you a big favor by giving you life in prison.
3.What might the jury think?

So you’d better take this …. very seriously.  When you’re in court…. you pay attention…. You don’t turn and wave to any of your friends.

4.What does Steve have to do when he is in court? 

Steve: Do you think we are going to win?

O’Brien:  It…. depends on what you mean by “win.”
5. When O' Brien says: "It…. depends on what you mean by “win.” Does this sound like a good thing or bad thing? Why?

Parent signature_____________________________

HW Mr. Padilla 4.13.18

Homework: Dear parents/ guardians, please assist your child with today’s homework.

Parent Signature_____________________________

HW Mr. Padilla 4/12/18

Homework: Dear  Parents /guardians, please assist your child with today’s homework.

Option 3:
Lies and deceit riddle Steve's court case in Monster. From the witnesses, to the detectives, to Steve himself—it's hard to tell who to trust. Some folks lie to save their own skin, while others lie to hurt people, and a few more lie to protect those they love. So it goes in real life, too—we may not be testifying on a stand every day, but lies and deceit surround us. In the end, we've all got to figure out which voices to listen to… and hopefully we'll figure out correctly which ones to trust.

Why do liars lie? Are the reasons in the novel different than reasons for real-life liars? Write a small paragraph response using real life examples (3-5 sentences).

Option 2:
From the witnesses, to the detectives, to Steve himself—it's hard to tell who to trust. Some folks lie to save their own skin, while others lie to hurt people, and a few more lie to protect those they love. So it goes in real life, too—we may not be testifying on a stand every day, but lies and deceit surround us. In the end, we've all got to figure out which voices to listen to… and hopefully we'll figure out correctly which ones to trust.
1.        Who is it hard to trust?
2.        Why do people lie?
3.        What happens in real life?
4.        What do we need to learn?

Option 1:
From the witnesses, to the detectives, to Steve himself—it's hard to tell who to trust.
1.    Who is it hard to trust?
Some … lie to save their own skin… others lie to hurt people, and a few more lie to protect those they love.
2.    Why do people lie?
 So it goes in real life, too—we may not be testifying on a stand every day, but lies…surround us.
3.    What happens in rea life?
In the end, we've all got to figure out which voices to listen to… hopefully we'll figure out correctly which ones to trust.
4.    What do we need to learn?

Parent signature__________________________________

HW Mr Padilla 4/11/18

Homework: Dear parents/ guardians, please assist your child with today’s homework.

Parent Signature_____________________________

HW Mr. Padilla 4.10.18

Homework: Dear parents/ guardians, please assist your child with today’s homework.

Parent Signature_____________________________

HW Mr. Padilla 4.9.18

Homework: Parents/guardians, please assist your child with today’s homework.

 Topic: Fear is a theme in Monster.

Option 3:
* Sometimes I feel like I have walked into the middle of a movie. It is a strange movie with no plot and no beginning.  The movie is in black and white, and grainy. Sometimes the camera moves in so close that you can’t tell what is going on and you just listen to the sound and guess. I have seen movies of prisons but never one like this. This is not a movie about bars and locked doors. It is about being alone when you are not really alone and about being scared all the time.

Task: Explain the meaning of this quote using your own words. “It is about being alone when you are not really alone and about being scared all the time.”  

Option 2:
Sometimes I feel like I have walked into the middle of a movie. It is a strange movie with no plot and no beginning.  The movie is in black and white…Sometimes the camera moves in so close that you can’t tell what is going on and you just listen to the sound and guess…. This is not a movie about bars and locked doors. It is about being alone when you are not really alone and about being scared all the time.

How does Steve feel when he walks into the middle of a movie?
What does he do when he can’t tell what is going on?
What Steve’s movie about? What is it not about?

Option 1:
Sometimes I (Steve) feel like I have walked into the middle of a movie.
1.     What does Steve feel sometimes? 

 It is a strange movie with no plot and no beginning.  The movie is in black and white…
2.     What is the movie like? 

Sometimes…. you can’t tell what is going on and you just listen to the sound and guess
3.     What do you do when you can’t tell what’s going on?

…. This is not a movie about bars and locked doors. It is about being alone …. and about being scared all the time.
4.     What is the movie not about? 

5.     What is the movie about?

{Parent Signature_______________________________________

HW Mr. Padilla 6.26.18

Dear parents/guardians, It was a pleasure working with your child this academic school year 2017-18.    For those of you not attending s...