Monday, October 30, 2017

HW Mr. Padilla 10.30.17

Homework: Dear parents, please assist your child with today’s homework. Choose one or MORE levels to complete. Respond to the best of your abilities. Base answers on what you learned and your own understanding. THERE are NO wrong answers.

Level 1: See the images. Describe what you see.

 W 10.30.17

Level 2: What is happening here? Why is George doing this? Is this the right thing for George to do?

Level 3:  George has been taking care of Lennie for a while. Something went really wrong and now this is happening. Is George’s action an act of betrayal or pity?   What is your opinion? Explain your answer.

Parent Signature_________________________________________

Friday, October 27, 2017

HW Mr. Padilla 10.27.17

Homework: Dear parents, please assist your child with today’s homework. Choose one or MORE levels to complete. Respond to the best of your abilities. Base answers on what you learned and your own understanding. THERE are NO wrong answers.

Level 1: See the images. Describe what you see.

Level 2: How are characters that are different treated in Of Mice and Men? (Curley’s wife, Candy, Crooks and Lennie). Tell me something about each one.

Level 3:  What do Curley’s wife, Candy, Crooks and Lennie have in common? How do they represent a big part of America?  

Parent Signature_________________________________________

Thursday, October 26, 2017

HW Mr. Padilla 10.26.17

Homework: Dear parents, please assist your child with today’s homework. Choose one or MORE levels to complete. Respond to the best of your abilities. Base answers on what you learned and your own understanding. THERE are NO wrong answers.

Level 1: See the images. Describe what you see.

Level 2: Who is Crooks? What is the problem he has? What do these images have to do with what we learned today? 

Level 3:  Look at the images carefully. What is discrimination? Is discrimination something that only one or 2 groups of people experience?  How do this topic connect to what we learned about Crooks?

Parent Signature_________________________________________

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

HW Mr. Padilla 10.25.17

Homework: Dear parents, please assist your child with today’s homework. Choose one or MORE levels to complete. Respond to the best of your abilities. Base answers on what you learned and your own understanding. THERE are NO wrong answers.

Level 1: See the images. Describe what you see. What is different?

Level 2: What happened to Curley? Did Curley deserve what he got? Should George have allowed Lennie to do what he did? Why or Why not?

Level 3: Based on what we learned today, do you believe violence is the right solution? Yes or no?  Use examples from real life and the story to prove your point.                      Your response should be 3-6 sentences long.

Parent Signature_________________________________________

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

HW Mr. Padilla 10.24.17

Homework: Dear parents, please assist your child with today’s homework. Choose one or MORE levels to complete. Respond to the best of your abilities. Base answers on what you learned and your own understanding.

Level 1: Describe what you see. What happened?

Level 2:  Why did Lennie and Curley get into a fight? Did Lennie have a choice? Why or why not? Should George have helped him? Why or why not?

Level 3: Use examples from real life and the novel to answer these questions.
Do you believe all fights can be avoided? Explain. How can a fight with a bully be avoided? What can happen if we don’t avoid fights?

Parent signature________________________________

Monday, October 23, 2017

HW Mr. Padilla 10.23.17

Homework: Dear parents, please assist your child with today’s homework. Choose one or MORE levels to complete. Respond to the best of your abilities. Base answers on what you learned and your own understanding. THERE are NO wrong answers.

Level 1: Describe what you see.

Level 2:  Who is Curley? How do some characters in the novel stand up to Curley? Why is it important to not let bullies get away with their behavior?

Level 3: Why do you think people like Curley like to bully? In your opinion is the best way to deal with bullies? Why is it important to be careful?

Parent Signature_________________________________________

Thursday, October 19, 2017

HW Mr. Padilla 10.20.17

Homework: Dear parents and guardians, please assist your child with today’s homework. Make sure to write complete sentences and to explain your answers. Do not write one word responses or short phrases.

See the image and choose a level or more below:

Level 3: Discuss what these image is saying about friendship.  What message do you think is important to share with others and why? How does this relate to Lennie and George?

Level 2: What should a true friend do? What should a true friend not do? In your opinion, are Lennie and George true friends? Why?


Level 1: Describe what you see. What is going on?

Parent signature_______________________________________

HW Mr. Padilla 10.19.17

Homework: Dear parents and guardians, please assist your child with today’s homework. Make sure to write complete sentences and to explain your answers. Do not write one word responses or short phrases.

Level 3: What is a union? Why do people form unions? How is a union a good or bad thing? How does this connect to Of Mice and Men?

Level 2: What is a union? Would Lennie and George have better work conditions if they were in a union? Explain why or why not?

Level 1: Describe what you see. What is going on?


Parent Signature__________________________________

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

HW Mr. Padilla 10.18.17

Homework: Dear parents and guardians, please assist your child with today’s homework. Make sure to write complete sentences and to explain your answers. Do not write one word responses or short phrases.

Level 3: Why are worker’s rights important? How are some ways people fight for worker’s rights? How does this relate to Of Mice and Men?  

Level 2: What are worker’s rights? Why should people care about worker’s rights? What do worker’s rights have to do with Lennie and George?

Level 1: Describe what you see. What is going on?

Parent Signature__________________________________

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

HW Mr. Padilla 10.17.17

Homework: Dear parents and guardians, please assist your child with today’s homework. Make sure to write complete sentences and to explain your answers. Do not write one word responses or short phrases.

Level 3: What were some conditions that led to the Great Depression? Was it only one thing that caused this problem or more? Explain how this happened.

Level 2: What was The Stock Market Crash of 1929? What was Black Tuesday?  Why did so many people sell their stocks?  

Level 1: Describe what you see. What is going on?


Parent Signature__________________________________

Monday, October 16, 2017

HW Mr. Padilla 10.16.17

Homework: Dear parents and guardians, please assist your child with today’s homework.

Level 3: What does it mean to advocate? Who advocates for whom in Of Mice and Men?
Why is advocating for others important?

Level 2: Have you ever advocated for someone else? Or has anyone advocated for you? What lesson did you learn from this experience?

Level 1: Describe what you see. What do the images show?


Parent Signature__________________________________

Friday, October 13, 2017

HW Mr. Padilla 10.13.17

Homework: Dear parents/guardians, please assist your child with today’s homework. 

Choose one or more options levels below.

Level 3: Is the American Dream real or just a dream? Is it real for most people or just a few? Or is the American Dream up to each individual?  Write a paragraph to share your opinion in this matter.  

Level 2: Why are we discussing the American Dream? How does this relate to Of Mice and Men? Do you believe in the American Dream? Why or why not?

Level 1: See the image below. Describe what you see.

What is the American dream?

Parent signature_________________________________________

Thursday, October 12, 2017


Mr. Padilla    Social Studies
Name_______________________ ___Date________________

Option 3: Read passage and answer questions. Write full sentences and give examples to support your points.   

"You got it by heart. You can do it yourself,” said George.
"No, you. I forget some a' the things. Tell about how it's Gonna be," said Lennie.
"O.K. Someday-we're gonna get the jack together and we're gonna have a little house and a couple of acres an' a cow and some pigs and-"
"An' live off the fatta the lan'," Lennie shouted. "An' have rabbits. Go on, George! Tell about what we're gonna have in the garden and about the rabbits in the cages and about the rain in the  winter and the stove, and how thick the cream is on the milk like you can hardly cut it. Tell about that, George."
"Why'n't you do it yourself? You know all of it."
"No... you tell it. It ain't the same if I tell it. Go on... George. How I get to tend the rabbits."
"Well," said George, "we'll have a big vegetable patch and a rabbit hutch and chickens. And when it rains in the winter, we'll just say the hell with goin' to work, and we'll build up a fire in the stove and set around it an' listen to the rain comin' down on the roof..”

1.      Why is Lennie asking George to tell the story he already knows?

2.      George and Lennie are camping outdoors, they have no home. Why are they talking about the future?

3.      Why is it important to have a plan even when we are not sure what will happen next?


Mr. Padilla    Social Studies
Name_______________________ ___Date________________

Option 2: Read passage and answer questions. Write full sentences and give examples to support your points.      

"You got it by heart. You can do it yourself,” said George.
"No, you. I forget some a' the things. Tell about how it's Gonna be," said Lennie.
"O.K. Someday-…. we're gonna have a little house and a couple of acres an' a cow and some pigs and-"
"An' live off the fatta the lan'," Lennie shouted. "An' have rabbits. Go on, George! Tell about what we're gonna have in the garden and about the rabbits in the cages and about the rain in the  winter and the stove….about that, George."
"Why'n't you do it yourself? You know all of it."
"No... you tell it. It ain't the same if I tell it. Go on... George. How I get to tend the rabbits."
"Well," said George, "we'll have a big vegetable patch and a rabbit hutch and chickens. And when it rains in the winter, we'll just say the hell with goin' to work, and we'll build up a fire in the stove and set around it.....”

1.     What are Lennie and George talking about?

2.     Why does Lennie want George to tell the story? Why does Lennie cut him off?

3.     Why is it important to have dreams?

Mr. Padilla    Social Studies
Name_______________________ ___Date________________

Option 1: Read passage and answer questions. Write full sentences and give examples to support your points.   

"O.K. Someday-…. we're gonna have a little house and … an' a cow and some pigs and-"said George.
1.    What does George say they will have one day?

"An' live off the fatta the lan'," Lennie shouted. "An' have rabbits. Go on, George!...”
2.    What is Lennie excited about?

 Tell about what we're gonna have in the garden and about the rabbits in the cages and about the rain in the  winter and the stove….about that, George."
3.    What does Lennie want George to talk about?

4.    Lennie and George are dreaming about the things they want in the future. Why is it important to have dreams?

Collections: Conditions of Migrant Workers

Directions: Read the following statements and complete task below.

In addition to earning low wages—the lowest of any workers in the country—migrant workers also tended to live in horrible conditions. It was not uncommon for farmers to house migrant workers in shanties, shacks, chicken coops, barns, portable wagons, and even open fields. Those who found shelter inside small cabins or abandoned farm houses often had to contend with broken windows, torn screens, missing doors, and leaky roofs. Most migrants, whether living by themselves in the fields or in specially designated migrant camps, remained isolated from the surrounding communities. Often viewed as racial and class outcasts, migrant workers were shunned by the local communities.
1.     How were migrant worker’s living conditions?

2.     How were migrant workers treated by local communities?


Agree Yes/No

Your reason

Evidence from texts

Migrant workers were treated like second class citizens or worse.

HW Mr. Padilla 10.12.17

Dear parent/guardian, assist your child with today's homework. 
Option 1: Read the passage and answer the questions below:

}Lennie cried out suddenly—“I don’t like this place,
}1. What did Lennie say?
}“… We can’t help it, Lennie. We’ll get out jus’ as soon as we can...”
}2. What did George tell Lennie?
}Goerge said: We can make maybe a couple of dollars a day … and we might hit a pocket.
}3. What did George say they could do?

 Option 2: Compare and contrast reasons why people from Lennie and George’s time were homeless to why and how people are homeless today.  Explain why you think they are different or the same.  You may use a Venn diagram to organize your ideas. 

}Option 3: Draw two squares on a sheet of paper.  Title one square America 1930’s and the other America’s 2010’s. Show example of how people are homeless now vs then. What is different and what has not changed or is the same. 
Parent signature________________________

HW Mr. Padilla 6.26.18

Dear parents/guardians, It was a pleasure working with your child this academic school year 2017-18.    For those of you not attending s...